Top 10 Favorite Elizabeth Bennet Moments in Pride & Prejudice (2005) Movie

Our P&P (2005) movie's 10th Year Anniversary event here continues...

I love that in Pride & Prejudice (2005) movie, almost every scene and events were seen through Elizabeth Bennet's eyes as she's the main character, in which Jane Austen wrote her to be in her classic (202 years old) novel. Oscar Nominee* (nominated for an Oscar* - Best Performance by an Actress in a Leading Role for P&P movie for her Elizabeth Bennet role)'s Elizabeth appeared in this film from the opening scene to the very last, Mrs. Darcy (American) ending scene. I love Keira Knightley as Elizabeth Bennet. In my opinion, she did an EXCELLENT job portraying this role. She had a lot of great moments/scenes that I loved and enjoyed watching. It was hard to pick my favorite EB moments/scenes and narrowed it down to just 10, but again, I had to pick only 10 for this post...

Here are my Top 10 Favorite EB Moments in P&P movie...

1. When Elizabeth refused Darcy's first marriage proposal to her because she has her reasons like, how dare he proposed to her when he thought of her beloved sister Jane inferior to his friend, Mr. Bingley (I know right?)...I love when she said the last line, all in one breath! "And those are the words of a gentleman. From the first moment I met you, your arrogance and conceit, your selfish disdain for the feelings of others made me realize that you were the last man in the world I could ever be prevailed upon to marry." Word! You go, girl!

2. I love when Elizabeth gave it back to Darcy in this scene and said to him (after she overheard him say to Bingley in the previous scene, she was "perfectly tolerable" but "not handsome enough to tempt me."), "Dancing. Even if one's partner is barely tolerable." Burn! Miss Bennet, score!

3. Her playful sarcasm, a little flirting with him too, and she got Mr. Darcy to smile with her in this adorable and sweet Pemberley scene never gets old...and gets me to smile and laugh with them, every. single. time!

4. I love it when Elizabeth said to Darcy (after he asked her, "do you talk as a rule while dancing?"), "No. No, I prefer to be unsociable and taciturn. Makes it all so much more enjoyable, don't you think?" This girl is on fire! LOL!

5. Miss Elizabeth is "no longer surprise" at Darcy "knowing only six accomplished women"...she even wonders of him "knowing any" which he asked, if she was "so severe" on "her own sex" (that sounded dirty right there...), to which she said, "I never saw such a woman. She would certainly be a fearsome thing to behold." (*chuckles* like Mr. Bingley, haha!)

6. Elizabeth's heart to heart with her Papa (Mr. Bennet) is definitely one of the best EB moments in this P&P movie! I love watching her in this scene.

7. Liz on Top of the World! [plays track 9 on P&P Movie's original soundtrack] This scene makes me want to "go to [Stanage Edge at] the Peak District and get some fresh air," when Lizzie's aunt (Mrs. Gardiner) said to her.

8. Elizabeth's awkward moment with Darcy in this Pemberley scene is so adorable to watch. Poor girl, she was caught touring the magnificent house of Mr. Darcy, the same man she rejected at Rosings Park...awkward! "I'm very fond of walking." (Yes, Mr. Darcy knows!)

9. I love when Elizabeth told Lady Catherine (after she told her to "promise not to enter into such an engagement" to her nephew, Mr. Darcy), "I will not and I certainly never shall. You have insulted me in every possible way and can now have nothing further to say. I must ask you to leave immediately. Goodnight." And goodbye, Lady C!

10. When Darcy tells Elizabeth, he doesn't have "the talent to converse easily with people" he has "never meet before," she's quick and witty when she said, "perhaps should take your aunts advice and practice."

That's my Top 10 Favorite EB Moments. What are yours?


  1. My favorite scene, in P&P and in all literature for that matter, is when EB rejects Mr. Collins.


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