Blogoversary: Eleven Years of Blogging Pride & Prejudice!

Pride & Prejudice (2005) Fan Blog Celebrates 11 Years Online! On this day ( May 29th, 2007 ), exactly eleven years ago, I started this little P&P fan blog . Wow, it's been 11 long years !!! I can't believe it's been 11 years already! It seems just like yesterday, I was a newbie to Blogger...and was learning and figuring out how to post, let alone, add codes and contents to this blog. I never thought I'd be blogging about all things P&P , not too mention this long, but it's all because of my on going love for this 2005 movie version of Pride & Prejudice and the amazing actors who portrayed my favorite P&P characters brilliantly on this 4th-time Oscar nominated film. I've really enjoyed blogging here and posting all things P&P (though in recent years it's been mostly about P&P actors and their TV & Film project news articles ) and P&P/Austen related topics as frequently as I've been able t...