Blogoversary: Eleven Years of Blogging Pride & Prejudice!

Celebrates 11 Years Online!

On this day (May 29th, 2007), exactly eleven years ago, I started this little P&P fan blog. Wow, it's been 11 long years!!! I can't believe it's been 11 years already! It seems just like yesterday, I was a newbie to Blogger...and was learning and figuring out how to post, let alone, add codes and contents to this blog. I never thought I'd be blogging about all things P&P, not too mention this long, but it's all because of my on going love for this 2005 movie version of Pride & Prejudice and the amazing actors who portrayed my favorite P&P characters brilliantly on this 4th-time Oscar nominated film. I've really enjoyed blogging here and posting all things P&P (though in recent years it's been mostly about P&P actors and their TV & Film project news articles) and P&P/Austen related topics as frequently as I've been able to for all these 11 wonderful years. Well, you know what they say, time flies when you're having so much fun. Indeed, it had flown by so quickly as the 2005 movie has already celebrated its 10th anniversary in 2015 and will be celebrating its 13th year anniversary (in September [UK] and November [US])! I must say, I have loved and enjoyed posting here and keeping this blog updated as often as I could (or have the time to...which seems to be not a lot lately...!) for years.

So, yeah, 11 years ago today (May 29th), I started this blog as just an archived for P&P movie news and articles...and now over a decade later, this blog is still here and has expanded to a much bigger and frequently (almost daily) updated blog with all things Pride & Prejudice (esp. the 2005 film and its actors/cast and their TV & film projects' news and more) and Jane Austen related news/articles/movies (ie. Becoming JaneThe Jane Austen Book Club, Lost In Austen, AishaFrom Prada to Nada, A Modern Pride and Prejudice, Austenland, Pride and Prejudice and Zombies, , , , etc.).

Here's one of my previous posts that relates to how I started this blogConfessions of a P&P Blogger

Also, some of my favorite P&P movie related posts that you might enjoy viewing and reading (if you haven't already read them)...
All the posts: Pride & Prejudice (2005) movie's 10th Year Anniversary
My 10 Pride & Prejudice 10th Year Anniversary DVD/Blu-ray Wishlist

Film Soundtrack Spotlight: Original Music from Pride & Prejudice by Dario Marianelli 
P&P 200: Why You Should Watch Joe Wright's Pride & Prejudice Adaptation...
A lovely surprise from Mr. Macfadyen on my mailbox!
A lovely and unexpected reply from Miss Rosamund Pike! 
16 Beautiful Things I love about the 2005 Pride & Prejudice film 
Watching Pride & Prejudice film on Blu-ray
Photos: P&P Filming Locations (updated)
Photos: Chatsworth House and Haddon Hall as Pride & Prejudice's Pemberley and Inn at Lambton (P&P/Derbyshire filming locations)
My first European trip (September 2010)
My First European Trip (part 2)

THANKS TO EVERYONE especially to all the daily visitors, readers, subscribers, contributors (thanks a lot, as always, to my friends over at my old P&P '05 Forum especially JW, Liz, Stephie, Kate, Michelle (aka Mary Bennet) and these 3 multi-talented ladies: Antonella, Rachel and Giulia/Eowyn for all your help on the previous arts/banners used here in this blog and at the forum. I love, appreciate, and can't thank the 3 of you enough for your beautiful arts/wallpapers/P&P videos contributions to my old lil' P&P fan forum/community), to my wonderful friend Maia, for your P&P movie related contributions to this blog. Love you and appreciate you! to all the P&P fans/friends on this P&P Blog's Facebook page (ie. fellow Devoted Fans of P&P 2005 FB co-founders/co-admins/friends Jessica Tapia and Audrey Lawrence) and all my wonderful twitter/FB/IG/Tumblr friends (you all know who you are). Thanks a lot ladies!

SPECIAL THANKS to the following Contributors and  (over the years to now) to this blog:

(in no particular order)

Christy Farmer
Ashley Visco
Laurie Viera Rigler Austenprose

Bonnie Mae 

Other Authors/Screenwriters and Actors I've Interviewed here in recent years...
- Pride & Prejudice (2005)
film's Screenwriter
- Author of Unleashing Mr. Darcy novel
- Actress of Unleashing Mr. Darcy (2016 Hallmark Movie) and Marrying Mr. Darcy (2018)

And most of all, THANK YOU to all the P&P fans around the world who are fans of this amazingly beautiful film, of course, and all the P&P cast/actors featured on this blog (ie. Keira Knightley, Matthew MacfadyenRosamund PikeJena MaloneCarey MulliganTalulah RileyBrenda Blethyn, and Donald Sutherland to name some as well as director Joe Wright)...for without you all and the 2005 Pride & Prejudice film, this Blog wouldn't have started or made it this eleven years long. Hope to keep this blog around and to continue to blog all things P&P/Austen related topics for another five to ten years...or for as long as I can and keep this movie alive and going for many, many years to come!

Pride & Prejudice (2005) Blog stats by the #s:
Total Blog Posts/Articles: 28,78 (2,775 last year)
Total Blog Followers: 197 (201 last year)
Total Comments:
1150 (and counting...999 last year)
Total Pageviews last month:
24, 150
Pageviews All Time History: 3,437,671 (last year on this day it was 2,781,695)

New Blog Header Banner: I've been so busy with a lot of things lately that, unfortunately, I didn't have the time to update and change this blog's layout and theme for today's 11th anniversary. So, I decided to just keep the same layout as last year and just quickly changed the header banner. It's a simple one, just our Elizabeth & Darcy from one of the official promo photos from the movie! I did fixed some broken images/links on the hidden (left) side bar and also a few extra pages.

New Email Address: I've updated the Contact Me page with a new email address for this blog.
Please Contact Me (note: right click and copy email link, if you can't see the link) there from now on for any or all your P&P/Austen related inquires.

*This blog will be a work-in-progress (I may or may not fix/add more contents...we shall see!) throughout the rest of this month and upcoming month...Will keep you posted and updated. More to come!*

Previous P&P Blog header banners (I was able to saved)...

For now...hope you like the simple new P&P Blog header banner (might change it soon...we'll see!), as well as the slightly re-organized (hidden) side bars (to your left, click that bar = to view contents. It's still a WIP, so bear with me as It'll be re-arranged and re-organized soon). What do you think of the new header banner of this blog? LIKE IT? YAY or NAY? Feel free to comment and post your feedback here. I'd love to know what you think. Please leave your comment below on this post. THANK YOU.


  1. Congratulations for these eleven years of Pride&Prejudice blog!!! Many, many more to come!!!
    Thanks for all the hours that you sure spend on it. I really like it��������������������
    I like the simplicity of the new header banner. The photo is not my favorite but I like it
    Thanks again and good luck. I keep waiting for more quotes from novel to film when possible.


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