P&P Blog DVD Giveaway: Win a free P&P Deluxe 2-Disc DVD Gift Set (Contest Closed!)

Update: Winner to be announced June 4th @ 5 PM ET. So, keep checking this blog to see/read who the lucky winner is! This week, on Friday ( May 29th ), this blog turns 2 years old! Yes, 2 years already! Can you believe it? 'cause I can't believe it's been 2 years since I started this here lol. This lil' P&P blog started out as just an archive blog for P&P (2005) movie/actors' news/articles related stuff, which were mostly posted in the P&P '05 Forum (a P&P fan forum/fan community I've started/created and maintain to for over 3 years now...all because of my love for this movie version and the amazing actors who portrayed my favorite P&P characters brilliantly on this Oscar nominated film). Anyway, I thought I would do a lil' something nice and fun this week/end of the month for this special occasion and milestone for this blog (since I forgot to do one last year on its first year anniversary, lol)...starting with a free DVD giv...