P&P Blog DVD Giveaway: Win a free P&P Deluxe 2-Disc DVD Gift Set (Contest Closed!)

Update: Winner to be announced June 4th @ 5 PM ET. So, keep checking this blog to see/read who the lucky winner is!

This week, on Friday (May 29th), this blog turns 2 years old! Yes, 2 years already! Can you believe it? 'cause I can't believe it's been 2 years since I started this here lol. This lil' P&P blog started out as just an archive blog for P&P (2005) movie/actors' news/articles related stuff, which were mostly posted in the P&P '05 Forum (a P&P fan forum/fan community I've started/created and maintain to for over 3 years now...all because of my love for this movie version and the amazing actors who portrayed my favorite P&P characters brilliantly on this Oscar nominated film).

Anyway, I thought I would do a lil' something nice and fun this week/end of the month for this special occasion and milestone for this blog (since I forgot to do one last year on its first year anniversary, lol)...starting with a free DVD giveaway contest as my lil' thank you and appreciation to all of you, the visitors/followers/readers/P&P fans of this blog, for without you, this wouldn't have made it this far. So...

To all visitors/readers/P&P fans of the 2005 film, Pride & Prejudice, if you don't already own this or couldn't find/afford to buy this rare special deluxe 2-disc dvd gift set yet (when it was released about a year or 2 years ago or so)...now is your chance to own this movie and add it to your P&P/JA movies on dvd collection. This is a new copy of the dvd (not used), a must and a special DVD collector's edition for fans of this amazing and beautiful film.

Read further and scroll down after the cut, below for more details on how you can enter to win a free P&P dvd and, of course, find out what special features/bonus extras and additional stuff is on the box/gift set.

Disc 1: Widescreen Main Feature
  • 2.35:1 Anamorphic Widescreen
  • English, French and Spanish DD5.1 Surround
  • English SDH, French and Spanish subtitles
  • Audio Commentary with Direcor Joe Wright
  • Conversations with the Cast
  • Jane Austen, Ahead of Her Time
  • A Bennet Family Portrait
  • HBO First Look: Pride & Prejudice

Disc 2: Full Frame Main Feature

  • 1.33:1 Full Frame
  • English, French and Spanish DD5.1 Surround
  • English SDH, French and Spanish subtitles
  • Audio Commentary with Director Joe Wright
  • The Politics of Dating
  • The Stately Homes of Pride & Prejudice
  • Galleries of the 19th Century
  • Pride & Prejudice Family Tree

In addition to all that - the deluxe 2-disc set also include the Original Soundtrack CD and a Collectible Book (aka the P&P Companion Book or a 64-page production Photo Book).

Good luck to all participants/entrants!!!

DVD Giveaway Contest Rules:

How to enter and win your free DVD copy of “Pride & Prejudice: Deluxe 2-Disc DVD Gift Set”? Simple. Just leave a reply/comment (with your name and valid email address) here in this blog post (feel free to post/comment as many times as you want!), and on May 31st (Sunday), I will draw one lucky winner in random. Then, I'll announced the winner here or in a new post sometime early next week/early June. Next, I will email you (the lucky winner) for your snail mail address, and you will have one week to reply, or you will default your P&P DVD to someone else. So, be sure to reply as soon as you received an email from me.

NOTE: Open to U.S. residents/entrants only.


  1. OOoo, OOoo, i want to win THAT giveaway. I could watch the movie over & over & over & over again. Thanks, Jeanie!!! (email: jeanettedmartin@cox.net)

  2. That would be an awesome prize! I would love to win the special edition!
    Elizabeth: brannanem@gmail.com

  3. what a sensational givewaway thanks minsthins at optonline dot net

  4. What a great giveaway! I'd love the deluxe edition. Thanks!


  5. I would love to win this. Awesome giveaway!

    Tiffany: Tiffanys819 at gmail.com

  6. my daughter loves this movie. Thank you for the offer.

  7. what a great prize!!!


  8. wow, I love this movie!

    count me in

    Everyone have a great week!

  9. I am a great fan of Jane Austen's works. I would love to have this set for my books and movie collection. A wonderful prize for your 2nd anniversary. gonzo8412@msn.com

  10. Awesome prize. I love this movie.

    Lisa H
    techyone at gmail dot com

  11. This is a great movie! I would love to win it!

  12. Oh I have always wanted this dvd set! Please pick me!

    ajcmeyer AT go DOT com

  13. I would la la LOVE to win this!

    heatheranne99 at hotmail dot com

  14. i just bought the single edition because i love this movie so much. this would be better

  15. Man, I've been looking for this special edition in stores for a very long time now. Great idea Jeane! And congrats on the blog's anniversary.

    (Stephenie: stephenieb777@yahoo.com)

  16. Oh Man do I ever want to win this! I cannot tell you how much I love this movie, it is one of the most amazing romantic movies of all time. Please enter me! Thanks so much! Hillary


  17. Congratulations on your upcoming anniversary! This book was required reading my senior year of high school and I've been a fan of Jane Austen's works ever since. Lovely prize...thanks. SharonAnne


  18. What a wonderful prize, thank you for sharing with us!

  19. Count me in...darcywil (tinagr@yahoo.com)

  20. Oh, I would LOVE to win this--thanks for the chance!
    emvark at gmail dot com

  21. Would love this.

    Thanks for the giveaway >^..^<

    bloggyig at gmail dot com

  22. I would love to watch this with my older daughter.


  23. Pick me, please! :o)


  24. I love,I love, I love this movie!


  25. Thanks for the offer!

    shrewsburylassesATyahoo DOTcom

    (I never post my real name and address in an open internet forum, sorry! I'll send you my name and address if I win.)

  26. Sounds like a great movie. Thanks for the chance


  27. My daughter loves this movie!

  28. Mary DeBorde
    Oh wow! I've never read nor seen Pride & Prejudice but I am sure both my daughter and I would absolutely love this!

  29. I've never seen this movie but it looks really good!

  30. i have watched ghe movie several times on tv always makes me cry will they wont they

  31. I love the book completely. Would love to see this movie (haven't seen it yet...a little behind.)

    Thanks for the giveaway!

    bsyb100 at gmail dot com

  32. sounds like this would be the perfect addition to my DVD collection.

    madamerkf at aol dot com

  33. I would LOVE to win this!! Thanks for the chance! hawkgirl_16 {at} hotmail {dot} com

  34. It would be so awesome to win this!

  35. I would love to win. Thanks for the chance!
    1bmore @ gmail. com

  36. WOW I would love to win. thanks.

  37. I would love to win this, I could make my husband sit through numerous screenings of it :-)


  38. I have read the book several times , it is one of my favorites but, I have never seen the movie

  39. Thanks for the great giveaway. Can you believe I've never read the book nor seen the movie? Please enter me.
    eswright18 at gmail dot com

  40. This comment has been removed by the author.

  41. This is a wonderful movie. I would love that own it on dvd. Thanks for the chance!

  42. I will never tire of this movie! In fact I am watching it right now on the Oxygen channel for the hundredth time! Would love to win this set!

    Jacquie (orderlyhome@hotmail.com)

  43. Please submit my entry: jeanettedmartin@cox.net. Thanks, Jeanie Martin

  44. I LOVE this movie. jeanettedmartin@cox.net Thanks!! Jeanie Maritn

  45. (feel free to post/comment as many times as you want!), so I am! Thanks, Jeanie Martin jeanettedmartin@cox.net

  46. Seriously, I want the DVD Gift Set! Thanks, Jeanie Martin jeanettedmartin@cox.net

  47. No kidding, really, enter me again! Thanks, Jeanie Martin

  48. One more time for good measure, please: jeanettedmartin@cox.net Thanks,
    Jeanie Martin

  49. Thanks again!!! jeanettedmartin@cox.net

    Jeanie Martin

  50. Agggh I haven't seen this movie in YEARS. I'd absolutely love love love love this! Thanks for the opportunity & happy anniversary!

    stoofer15 at yahoo dot com

  51. Yes,

    Its my choice,I love this blog and moves so for.

  52. Serious?! O Gosh! I love this!
    This blog is perfect! But, I'm live in another country, I'm from Brazil. Can I try to win this DVD? *-*

    Well, that's my email:



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