Happy Birthday Rosamund Pike!

Today ( January 27th ) is the lovely and ethereally beautiful, Golden Globe , BAFTA , Academy Award nominee for Best Actress (for her outstanding performance as Amy Dunne in Gone Girl ) and Emmy Award winner Rosamund Pike (aka Pride & Prejudice 2005 's very own Jane Bennet )'s 44th Birthday ! Or is it?!?! Again, continuing to celebrate her annual internet birthday here, lol. Miss Pike (photo by Charlie Gray Studio) herself, posted two years ago today, on her official Instagram page that January 27th is her internet birthday (and somewhat not her real birthday)! Well, color me surprised (much like her P&P co-star Rupert Friend’s birthday confusion...) as I’ve been celebrating her birthday on this day for years, lol. I blame her IMDB and Wiki pages for not providing her real birthdate, if her actual birthday is, in fact not today! Although there’s that one time it was listed on th...