Pride & Prejudice Movie Fans Twitter Live Tweets On Twitter (Part 8)

After not being on TV all of last month (of October), Joe Wright's 2005 Pride & Prejudice movie starring Keira Knightley & Matthew Macfadyen was back on TV last Friday. It was shown on Oxygen channel twice and back-to-back last Friday night with broadcast times of 8:20 pm and 11:25 pm.

I previously posted here: part 7, part 6, part 5, part 4 and part 3. Then, I posted part 2 of this when it aired back-to-back on Bravo and had first posted about this last May 24th, when it aired twice in a row on Oxygen. I guess this will be a series of posts whenever this movie is broadcast on TV (but of course, it depends, If and when I get a chance to see and live tweet it). Last Friday night I was able to not only catch P&P movie on Oxygen I was able to watch and live tweet it both times (at 8:20 pm and 11:25 pm).

So, yes, I watched and live tweeted twice, back-to-back until about 2:45 am! I had so much fun with other P&P fans who live tweeted and even stayed up until the second airing of this movie ended to watch this movie over again (with all 3 of these hashtags#pandp2005, #Pride&Prejudice, and #PrideandPrejudice and even ) on Twitter, and to watch and live tweet at the same time with fellow fans of this movie...
As aforementioned here before, if you check these P&P hashtags: #Pride&Prejudice and #PrideandPrejudice, it's amazing that P&P fans of this movie will always watch this movie twice (if it's on back-to-back) or more, even very late at night and early into the wee hours of the morning, and even if they've seen the movie countless times (as I did), they're exhausted and sleepy...yet they'll still watch and live tweet about it as if they've never seen it before. That's how awesome, relatable, never outdated, and never gets old this beautiful movie version of P&P is, even a decade later it is still very much watchable, entertaining, relevant, and never goes out of style as the first time of seeing it.

I've compiled and featured here some of my retweeted/favorited tweets from last night's P&P movie live tweet event. [Note: These live tweets were during the East Coast broadcast of P&P movie on both 8:20 pm and 11:25 am airings...]

Check out and read these fun (and some funny) tweets from the following P&P movie fans (including a few of my live tweets, you can read and view mine here or here) in random order below...

And so many, many more! Too many and too long to embed every tweet post here...Just check out these P&P hashtags: #Pride&Prejudice and #PrideandPrejudice for more!


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