Pride & Prejudice Movie Fans Live Tweets on Twitter (Part 6)
Last Saturday (August 8th) night and early Sunday (August 9th) morning, there was another back-to-back (as always) airing of Joe Wright's 2005 Pride & Prejudice movie starring Keira Knightley & Matthew Macfadyen on TV, this time on Bravo channel. I'm a day late in posting this here, but better late than never, right? I previously posted part 5, part 4 and part 3. Then, I posted part 2 of this when it aired back-to-back on Bravo and had first posted about this last May 24th,
when it aired twice in a row on Oxygen. I guess this will be a series
of posts whenever this movie is broadcast on TV (but of course, it
depends, If and when I get a chance to see and live tweet it). Saturday night, I watched and actively live tweeted on both airings of the movie because I was home and it started at 9:10 pm and encore followed soon after at 11:50 pm (until 2:30 am Sunday morning...). Yes, I watched and live tweeted randomly until 3 am, haha! I had so much fun with other P&P fans who live tweeted and even stayed up until the second airing of this movie ended (even with the shorten UK version ending) to watch this movie over
again (with all 3 of these hashtags: #pandp2005, #Pride&Prejudice, and #PrideandPrejudice)
on Twitter, and to watch and live tweet at the same time with
fellow fans of this movie...
As aforementioned here before, if you check these P&P hashtags: #Pride&Prejudice and #PrideandPrejudice,
it's amazing that P&P fans of this movie will always watch this
movie twice (if it's on back-to-back) or more, even very late at night
and early into the wee hours of the morning, and even if they've seen
the movie countless times (as I did), they're exhausted and sleepy...yet
they'll still watch and live tweet about it as if they've never seen it
before. That's how awesome, relatable, never outdated, and never gets
old this beautiful movie version of P&P is, even a decade later it
is still very much watchable, entertaining, relevant, and never goes out
of style as the first time of seeing it.
I've compiled and featured here some of my retweeted/favorited tweets from last night's P&P movie live tweet event. [Note: These live tweets were during the East Coast broadcast of P&P movie on both 9:10 pm and 11:50 pm airings...]
Check out and read these fun (and some funny) tweets from the following P&P movie fans (including a few of my live tweets, you can read and view mine here or here) in random order below...
Check out and read these fun (and some funny) tweets from the following P&P movie fans (including a few of my live tweets, you can read and view mine here or here) in random order below...
One of my all time favorite movie lines is "What excellent boiled potatoes" from Pride and Prejudice. I laugh every single time.
— Madeline Nielsen (@mads_niels) August 9, 2015
I'm quite sure that if Pride and Prejudice was played on a continuous loop, I would never leave my tv
— megan (@meganlizman) August 9, 2015
Pride and Prejudice will forever and always be my all time favorite movie. #MrDarcyisdreamy
— Taylor Ihringer (@Taylor_Ihringer) August 9, 2015
Keira Knightley and Rosamund Pike #PrideAndPrejudice
— Cinema Bites (@cinema_bites) August 9, 2015
Pride and Prejudice is amazing too. One of my favorite movie soundtracks. And Keira Knightley.
— Greta (@gegledhill98) August 9, 2015
Matthew Macfayden as Mr. Darcy makes my heart melt. #prideandprejudice
— Melissa Patek (@MelissaPatek) August 9, 2015
Pride and Prejudice is just wow, always.
— Annalyse Cordon (@AnnalyseCordon) August 9, 2015
The way they speak in the movie pride and prejudice is so pleasant to the ear!
— Juju (@DreamCreatLive) August 9, 2015
Thanks @Bravotv for letting me get high and watch #prideandprejudice for 4 hours straight. It's my fav night this week #moviesbybravo
— Amy Fishback (@AmyLeigh0383) August 9, 2015
Love love love pride and prejudice ! One of my all time favorite movies! Could watch it any time, any where no matter what ❤️❤️
— Marissa Cascio (@momocascio15) August 9, 2015
Pride and Prejudice never fails to lift my mood.
— ☀️Isabella☀️ (@isabellachoy) August 9, 2015
Pride and Prejudice is one of my favorite movies. Now u know. 😊
— Becky (@Settled13) August 9, 2015
— Kelsey Askegaard (@kelseyaskee) August 9, 2015
@Bravotv what the heck! I stayed up to watch the end of #prideandprejudice and you guys cut it off! Its the best ending of a movie ever!! :(
— Angela George (@ageorgelmt) August 9, 2015
@Bravotv WHYYY would you cut off the final scene of #PrideandPrejudice?!? It's the best part! #disappointed #areyouserious
— Andrea Ochoa (@drizzydre00) August 9, 2015
But seriously Pride and Prejudice is my favorite movie and it gets me every time 😭😭😭😭
— Andrea Ochoa (@drizzydre00) August 9, 2015
Hot damn! I love Pride & Prejudice...says the girl who swears she isn't a romantic.
— Tracy Toman (@tracytoman) August 9, 2015
when the TV version of Pride & Prejudice cuts off the end AKA THE BEST PART😡
— scandallieee (@alliebeattie7) August 9, 2015
That time I stayed up until 2:30 watching Pride & Prejudice, only to realize I knew every moment they cut for television. 😅 #obsessedmuch
— Nora (@alohonora) August 9, 2015
I love the awkwardness of #MrDarcy in #Pride&Prejudice He loves lizzy so much, he just wants to say hello!
— Jeramy Gandy (@jeramyelizabeth) August 9, 2015
the line "I love you, most ardently" in pride & prejudice never fails to make me sob
— Hythe (@MangoSirene) August 9, 2015
I forgot about what a wonderfully filmed/shot/and beautiful movie the 2005 pride&prejudice is. Gorgeous cinematography...
— Nicole Zweiback (@nikkizweebs) August 9, 2015
Idc what mood I'm in, I always feel better when I watch Pride & Prejudice. #obsessed #favoritebook #favoritemovie #prideandprejudice
— Hope (@epohepohepoh) August 9, 2015
"How many times can you really watch Pride + Prejudice?"
— Kayla Hollatz (@kayla_hollatz) August 9, 2015
@Bravotv you show Pride & Prejudice but cut the FINAL scene? In the interest of time? You played P&P AGAIN! So annoyed #DontDissMrDarcy
— Special Crazy Mom (@thevoltz2000) August 9, 2015
I always have to stop what I'm doing to watch Pride & Prejudice when it is on tv. Every. Single. Time.
— Sarah Tillery (@saruhloujane) August 9, 2015
I want a man to approach me out of the fog in a cloak with a deep V shirt and voluptuous hair blowing in the wind. Pride & Prejudice style
— Erin McNamara (@mcnamaraerin3) August 9, 2015
When you wish guys would wear breeches and fancy coats like in Pride & Prejudice all the time
— krafiki (@klkrugster) August 9, 2015
Pride & Prejudice is on and I'm swooning so hard at the crossing of the field scene. So brilliant.
— Emily Walker (@Emily_MWalker) August 9, 2015
Oh good grief. My wife just noticed Pride & Prejudice is on.
Here we go again.
— Ha Ha Chuckle (@avacodoturnip1) August 9, 2015
Walked into my house to my parents watching Pride & Prejudice with a glass of red wine waiting for me. #squad
— Emily Reynolds (@emzreyn) August 9, 2015
tbh I don't want to be dramatic or anything but the 2005 movie adaptation of pride&prejudice is the reason love exists&I'm alive but anyways
— morgan (@morgancummmins) August 9, 2015
Pride & prejudice 💘😭
— ℰmily (@em_sambuco) August 9, 2015
Drop everything : Pride & Prejudice is on.
Watch it again, no shame.
— Audra Manzer (@audman_out) August 9, 2015
Bravo cutting off the final scene of Pride & Prejudice, post-wedding, just made me gasp.
— Mandi Bierly (@MandiBierly) August 9, 2015
Pride & Prejudice is playing on repeat on Bravo and I can't stop watching it. #round2 #romance #love #sisters
— Adrienne Szewczyk (@AdriMS) August 9, 2015
"I love you, I love you,I love you."
"Your hands are cold."
Everyone's favorite scene #moviesbyBravo #Pride&Prejudice
— AnnMortes (@AnnMortes) August 9, 2015
My family thinks it's OK to interrupt me when I'm watching Pride&Prejudice 'cause I've seen it "a thousand times." Sorry, NOPE. @pandp2005
— Kristy Starks-Winn (@KStarksy) August 9, 2015
@pandp2005 I hate that Bravo doesn't show the U.S. Version with the best scene at the end!!!!
— sandigee57 (@sandigee57) August 9, 2015
The Pride & Prejudice score is a masterpiece
— C-Rob (@cammm318) August 9, 2015
the keira knightley pride & prejudice is on bravo rn. just so everyone is aware.
— aj (@aj_carter16) August 9, 2015
Somewhere in the fine print, there is an obligation to watch the Kiera Knightley Pride & Prejudice every time it is on.
— Caroline Beeler (@caroline_beeler) August 9, 2015
I always spend a good 10-15 minutes trying to pick out a movie. And I always end up rewatching Pride & Prejudice.
— Jenna Dodson (@jenna_d7) August 9, 2015
— Tia Smith (@talentedsol) August 9, 2015
I know some say it's sacrilege to like the Keira Knightly Pride & Prejudice but there's some things is gets so right.
— Chappell Ellison (@ChappellTracker) August 9, 2015
"Pride & Prejudice" is such a great movie
— Niquè (@Nia_Gurl25) August 9, 2015
Pride & Prejudice just gets me every time 💟 #rightinthefeels
— Emily Sanders (@emjsands) August 9, 2015
Daughter watching period drama.
"Is this Sense and Sensabilty?"
"Get your shit together! This is Pride & Prejudice."
— Mark Eaton (@Mark13Eaton) August 9, 2015
I am watching Pride & Prejudice for the hundredth time and noticing so many more new details that I didn't recognize before.
— Carlyn Pounders (@GSUPounder) August 9, 2015
For my talent this evening I will recite the Keira Knightley version of Pride & Prejudice word for word without a script.
— Rachel (@aelinwhitethorn) August 9, 2015
— Liz Schultz (@schultzie0301) August 9, 2015
I can actually watch pride & prejudice just to watch Keira knightly smile for 3 hours 😐
— Jared Walton (@jaredwalton0) August 9, 2015
Pride & Prejudice is simply the best movie ever. The music alone makes me cry.
— Brooke Downing (@bnfunky) August 9, 2015
If I could only play the piano like they do in Pride & Prejudice, then I think my life will be complete.
— Lauren Hise (@Laurenhise1) August 9, 2015
The 2005 version of Pride&Prejudice is so good one day I watched it three times.
— Mishka ʕ◕ᴥ◕ʔ (@_taylorbarron) August 9, 2015
Drop everything: Pride & Prejudice is on.
— Audra Manzer (@audman_out) August 9, 2015
One single touch. Probably my second favorite scene <3 <3 #moviesbyBravo #Pride&Prejudice Movie
— AnnMortes (@AnnMortes) August 9, 2015
#PrideandPrejudice gets me. Every. Single. Time.
— Sarah Moseley (@samoseley91) August 9, 2015
Pride and prejudice is on right now and honestly that's the best thing that's happened to me this week 💕 fav movie for life
— Bailey Elizabeth (@baileyelizabeth) August 9, 2015
What makes being home alone on Saturday night okay? Pride and Prejudice is on.❤️
— Elizabeth Heiser Ŧ (@ElizabethHeiser) August 9, 2015
Watching "Pride & Prejudice." So love this movie. #MrDarcy
— Kristin BairO'Keeffe (@kbairokeeffe) August 9, 2015
Cause watching @pandp2005 for the 5 millionith time is totally normal and I LOVE it. #Mr.Darcy
— Susan Chadwick (@chadwickin140) August 9, 2015
I am only 10 minutes into the movie "Pride and Prejudice", and I am already so in love with this film. 😍
— Isabel Ryan✨ (@isabel_dickson) August 9, 2015
Watching Pride and Prejudice on a Saturday night, I don't hatee it. #MrDarcy
— Angel (@angelcakesssss) August 9, 2015
Pride and Prejudice is my #1 bc I repeat the lines & hum all the songs That's love. That's passion. That's me getting the remote taken away
— Ann Townsend (@ann_townsendf) August 9, 2015
— megz (@castromeghan) August 9, 2015
Oh my gosh I just found my fav movie on tv: Pride & Prejudice 😍
— νιcтσrια вℓαιr (@21blairbear) August 9, 2015
Woohoo. I found Pride & Prejudice on and it's near the beginning!
— Meep! (@seeredwrite) August 9, 2015
"Dancing. Even if one's partner is barely tolerable." 1of many favorite lines in the movie #moviesbyBravo #Pride&Prejudice Movie
— AnnMortes (@AnnMortes) August 9, 2015
I was going to get a lot done tonight but then Pride and Prejudice (2005) came on Bravo, so
— Mia (@miacantdraw) August 9, 2015
Pride and prejudice is on tonight. My life is made!
— Sidney (@sidneylopez59) August 9, 2015
Omgomgomg Pride and Prejudice coming on in 10 minutes. This fangirl moment brought to you by Matthew MacFadyen And Keira Knightley.
— Olivia Strong (@Kestrel101) August 9, 2015
When Pride and Prejudice is on TV 😍😍
— Elyse (@whereswaldo5897) August 9, 2015
The best thing about Pride and Prejudice being your favorite movie? It's on TV almost every single week lol🙌
— Kristen (@KristenMarie714) August 9, 2015
Saturday night & "Pride and Prejudice" is on TV?! Winning at single life. (But really. 🙌)
— Rebecca Halton (@Rebecca_Halton) August 9, 2015
Pride and Prejudice is on Bravo and I've never been so happy. #inheaven
— Alexia Polachek (@AlexiaPolachek) August 9, 2015
PSA: Pride and Prejudice is on Bravo rn!!!
— Emily Goldthwait (@emgoldthwait) August 9, 2015
I love this movie! I could watch it constantly!!! #prideandprejudice #moviesbybravo
— MsHarmony (@MsHarmony) August 9, 2015
I have easily watched Pride and Prejudice 20 times but here I am on my Saturday night watching it again as happy as can be 😊
— Rae Zink (@raerae_z) August 9, 2015
— Elizabeth Gaskins (@LovelyLizzie10) August 9, 2015
I liked the Indian version of Pride & Prejudice, but it does not beat the Kiera Knightley version. Nope.
— Hilaire (@4Ever_Striving) August 9, 2015
That moment when you're home alone & Pride & Prejudice comes on & you're crying because you want that kind of love one day... Yeah.
— Reagan-North Luerson (@Reagan_North) August 9, 2015
I can watch this movie over and over again
Pride& Prejudice
— KG (@TheLifeofK) August 9, 2015
Flipping through channels for something to watch & I find Pride&Prejudice on Bravo! #Score! @pandp2005!!
— Elizabeth Gaskins (@LovelyLizzie10) August 9, 2015
And so many, many more! Too many and too long to embed every tweet post here...Just check out these P&P hashtags: #Pride&Prejudice and #PrideandPrejudice for more!
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