In Theaters Today: Suffragette

In limited release in theaters today is Focus Features' Suffragette film starring Carey Mulligan, Meryl Streep, and Helena Bonham Carter, lead the cast of the powerful drama about the fight for equality in early-20th-century Britain. 

The film opens in US Theaters in limited release today, October 23rd (and hopefully, will expand in more screens soon after).

Watch the Suffragette trailers (there are two versions, loved the first one, which you'll see below...I think it's the US version with a few more very intense scenes!), read the official synopsis, and see some trailer screen caps, movie posters, and stills of CM below...<

Suffragette Official Trailer Screen Captures
 featuring Carey Mulligan as Maud

Here's the official synopsis for Suffragette:
SUFFRAGETTE is a thrilling drama that tracks the story of the foot soldiers of the early feminist movement, women who were forced underground to pursue a dangerous game of cat and mouse with an increasingly brutal State. These women were not primarily from the genteel educated classes, they were working women who had seen peaceful protest achieve nothing. Radicalized and turning to violence as the only route to change, they were willing to lose everything in their fight for equality – their jobs, their homes, their children and their lives. MAUD was one such foot soldier. The story of her fight for dignity is as gripping and visceral as any thriller, it is also heart-breaking and inspirational.

Suffragette Official Stills featuring 
Carey Mulligan as Maud Watts

(source: The Playlist)

Suffragette US/UK/International Movie Posters
 (source: IMPAwards)

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