An Interview with Sharon Lathan - Part 2

I am back again, at the gracious hospitality of Jeane , to talk more about my debut novel, Mr. and Mrs. Fitzwilliam Darcy ~ Two Shall Become One . In Part 1 I revealed how the Darcy Saga originated. That portion can be read here: An Interview with Sharon Lathan - Part 1 Now let’s discuss the publishing ins and outs . Don’t forget to comment for the chance to win a signed copy of my novel! Part 2 ~ Publishing Journey 1. When you first wrote and posted your novels as a series of st ories on your website , did you ever think or imagine it would get so many devoted readers/fans/followers not too mention traffic on your old website and get them to be published? Absolutely not! I was pleased with the chapters/short-stories I had written. I would never have posted something that I did not believe was properly done and entertaining. I assumed that if I desired a happy-ever-after life for Lizzy and Darcy then surely there must be others who wished for the same. Even so, I was amazed by...