Then & Now: The Many Faces of Elizabeth Bennet (Part 6)

Updating here with a new post (from my last five previous posts, from last year and when I've started about it 7 years ago or so back in 2008!) about Pride and Prejudice and Zombies, a of Jane Austen's classic Pride and Prejudice novel. So, I've created another new post here and updated the previous post.
Elizabeth Bennet (later Elizabeth Darcy) is the protagonist in the 1813 novel Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen. She is often referred to as Eliza or Lizzy/Lizzie by her friends and family.

Elizabeth is the second child in a family of five daughters. Though the circumstances of the time and environment require her to seek a marriage of convenience for economic security, Elizabeth wishes to marry for love.

Elizabeth is regarded as the most admirable and endearing of Austen's heroines.[2] She is considered one of the most beloved characters in British literature[3] because of her complexity. Austen herself described Lizzy as "as delightful a creature as ever appeared in print."[4]  Read more on Wikipidea: Elizabeth Bennet

Elizabeth "Eliza/Lizzy/Lizzie" Bennet
(Lost In Austen; ITV's TV Miniseries 2008)
(Appeared in Episodes 1 and 4 of 4 Episodes) 

Elizabeth Bennet in her time period...

and Elizabeth Bennet as a modern girl in London 
(where she and Amanda Price, the heroine 
of Lost In Austen switched places
...and get this...
*Spoiler* Lizzy worked as a nanny and cut her hair short!)...

P&P '05's Talulah Riley (Mary Bennet) and P&P '95's (Mr. Darcy) co-starred with Gemma Arterton in St. Trinians film. Also, P&P '05's Rupert Friend (Mr. Wickham) co-starred with Gemma in the stage play, .]

Ashley Clements

(as Lizzie Bennet in The Lizzie Bennet Diaries; VLog/YouTube Series 2012/2013)


More info. on Wikipidea: Elizabeth Bennet:

The enduring popularity of Pride and Prejudice has seen the novel frequently adapted for both television and the cinema. Among the actresses who have taken the role of Elizabeth Bennet are:
While not strict adaptations of the original text, other notable versions of Elizabeth Bennet (or characters directly based on her) in productions based on Austen's text include:
Upcoming In-Development TV/Films based on P&P...
Related links


  1. The only Elizabeth Bennet is Keira.
    Ehle was too old for the role


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