Pride & Prejudice Movie: Fan Addiction Stories (part 2)

Last November 2015, the first installment of our series of Pride & Prejudice Movie: FAN Addiction Stories was posted here. A few more additions have been compiled and added here for part 2, for your reading pleasure.

I hope to receive more, for next time! Please tell me how you became a devoted P&P (2005) movie fan, how many times have you seen this movie? Do you do P&P movie theme parties? Wore a P&P movie costume for Halloween, and if you have attempted in getting your families and friends hooked on watching the P&P movie. To SUBMIT your stories, please contact mecomment or message me (via facebook), tweet me or DM (direct message me if we're following each other) on Twitter or leave a comment on this post. Thank You. I will share them here as long as you keep sending them in.

In the meantime, here's the second batch of P&P Addiction Stories as confessed by the following P&P fans...

On Facebook...
Laura Mendoza - My mom actually showed it to me. And I didn't know the back story to the origins of the movie. So, I thought it was just going to be another generic historical romance. But the first time around I was impressed with Darcy just for the fact that not a lot of romances cast bulkier men for lead roles; they're usually thin pretty boys. And then to have him be this extremely shy guy, rather than a confident and an aggressive individual was such a fresh take. However, my real love for the movie was rewatching it (and being able to catch all the dialogue xD) especially after watching other adaptations. This has to be one of the few adaptations where it doesn't treat Mary and Mr. Collins (and even Kitty!) like caricatures. Everyone and everything is authentic. It's great! 

On Instagram...
- Anyone who knows me...they know how much I'm obsessed and adore this movie. I actually need a new copy. I watch mine so much!!! It's so beautiful. The scenes are breath taking, the performances are gorgeous and I love, I love it so much. #MostArdently thank you for this account ♡

- I just watched it back when it came out and instantly fell in love with it. I have shown it to anyone who would watch it and to this day it's the one of my top 3 fave movies ever. I even have it on my laptop, for when I feel blue. Since rewatching it acts as kind of an anti-depressant 😉

Confessions of a P&P Addict...
Stephanie (via Email) - I couldn't tell you when or where or what has me so addicted to this movie, but I saw it for the very first time two months ago and I must have watched it a hundred times already. Wish they would have shot the wedding scene even Jane's wedding too. They could have easily extended the movie another 1/2 an hour at least!!!


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