Pride & Prejudice Movie: FAN Addiction Stories

Our P&P (2005) movie's 10th Year Anniversary event here continues on its US anniversary day today...

Ten days ago (November 1st), I posted here asking you or rather my fellow P&P Fans to Confessed their Pride & Prejudice (2005) movie Addiction Stories, which I've gotten some wonderful responses/comments especially on Facebook. I've collected and compiled here at least a dozen P&P addiction stories worth reading for. THANK YOU to everyone who posted their stories and submitting them on FB, Twitter, and via email. I loved and enjoyed reading your interesting stories.

I hope to receive more, for next time! Please tell me how you became a devoted P&P (2005) movie fan and if you have attempted in getting your families and friends hooked on watching the P&P movie. To SUBMIT your stories, please contact mecomment or message me (via facebook), tweet me or DM (direct message me if we're following each other) on Twitter or leave a comment on this post. Thank You. I will share them here as long as you keep sending them in.

In the meantime, here's the first batch of P&P Addiction Stories as confessed by the following P&P fans...

Matthew Macfadyen as Mr. Darcy stole Susie's heart...
Susie Stingley - It happened to be on TV once, so I watched it. I think that was in 2009. Matthew Macfadyen as Mr. Darcy stole my heart. The movie inspired me to read the book, actually. And the soundtrack is amazing! I own it now and watch it every few months. There is no other Mr. Darcy in my view. And now I watch anything Macfadyen is in. He is an amazing actor, not only as Mr. Darcy, but in everything I've seen him in.

"I love reading P&P and fell in love with this adaptation, especially Matthew as Darcy" said ParallelUniverse...
ParallelUniverse FictionalCharacters - Matthew and Joe do such a remarkable job of going against the norm and bringing out the sensitive nature of Darcy way early. I loved reading P&P and fell in love with this adaptation, especially Matthew as Darcy. Those hands, the pain in his eyes, the sexy walk and almost-kiss, and the smile that melts my heart everytime. I can watch the Darcy scenes over and over. Keira's independent, confident personality is perfect for Elizabeth. The supporting cast is really good, too.

Carolyn saw this film about 9 times at the big screen a decade ago!
Carolyn Chalmers - I saw it in the theatre when it first came out 10 years ago and loved it so much I went on to see it 9 times in the theatre! Dragging various friends and family along with me of course. I went online to discuss it too and met a lot of great people and eventually one of those people introduced me to my husband! So it led me to my own love story.

For Sandi, it was on a charter bus full of teen girls that got her interested in watching this film...
Sandi Gee Was on a charter bus full of teen girls coming home from a week of beach camp. Someone put the movie in and at first I was sort of half-watching, then Elizabeth said "Do you dance, Mr. Darcy?" When Mr. Darcy said "Not if I can help it!" I got interested. But the trip ended before the end of the movie! I tracked down the girl on the bus who owned it and she let me borrow it. I went home and finished watching, entranced! Watched 3 more times that night! That was 5 years ago! When Darcy smiles it's like the sun breaking through the clouds!

The enchanting and beautiful music of this film was what made Sue re-watch this film...
Sue Mecham - The music is enchanting and beautiful- that's why I re-watch this so often.

Vivien discovered this wonderful film one Saturday afternoon on TV and absolutely loved it...
Vivien Roberts - Came across this wonderful film one Saturday afternoon on TV. Absolutely loved it, transformed me to another beautiful world of yesterday year. I do love period dramas and films anyway. It also introduced me to the fantastic Matthew Macfadyen and his amazing work, so I'm very grateful to this film for that also. The whole cast were amazing too. Well done Joe Wright for one of the best films ever!! 

Tash's sister introduced her to this movie that made her start reading the novel, yet that same sister laughs at her P&P addiction (interesting)...
Tash Arumpac Ombawa - Ok. I watched it when i was just 12 years old lol grin emoticonmy sis came from the univ and invited me to watch P&P together. And the rest is history lol grin emoticon i fell in love with the movie sooo much that it pushed me to read the novel. I watch the movie from time to time and it never fails to impress me. My sister laughs at my "Pride & Prejudice" addiction. She said she gets tired with it lol grin emoticon Keira is super gorgeous too, she always amazes me. And omg Matthew! 💕

For Madhurima, watching this movie, she thought it was good, but not very attracting at first...
Madhurima Naskar - I watched it a few months back after reading the novel...seriously it was good but not very attracting at first...but not until the first proposal(when they went to kiss...but didn't)....that is when my love for it incepted.....and then their meeting at Pemberley and the awkwardness...and the practice session of Bingley and Darcy (before the proposal) and Elizabeth's individuality...and the final proposal...when they finally rested their heads against each other!!!!.... Oh..and the cute Mrs. Bennet and the perfect background score of course!! 😅

Barbara said it was weird the first time she saw P&P...
Barbara Bozic Conner - The first time I saw it - was weird - when he held Lizzie's hand as she got in the carriage - I stretched out my hand exactly -BUT - just before Darcy did. It was weird. 

"When I moved to the US, I saw the movie and was amazed..." said Ranjini...
Ranjini Escalante - The book was part of our reading series in high school and I was always fascinated by it!!! A 100 years later when I moved to the US, I saw the movie and was amazed. I have recorded on my DVR and see it quite frequently!!!! The first proposal and the final proposal melt my heart all the time!!!! 

Why Shilpi loves P&P...
Shilpi (via email) - I'd just finished reading P&P and loved it. So I borrowed the 2005 adaptation and fell in love. That first touch at the carriage, dance, proposal, awkwardness and then that lovely 'Matthew smile' at Pemberley... and that walk in the mist. I ardently love Mr Darcy and can re-watch his scenes over and over. I like how Joe Wright bravely took a different approach to portray Darcy as sensitive and vulnerable pretty close to the beginning. As you can see, I can't point to just one scene, because "I was in the middle before I knew I had begun" ;) Matthew stole my heart as Darcy.

Keira did a great job as Elizabeth. She has a fiery, independent personality which shines through the character.

The supporting cast did a very good job too. I loved Charlotte in the movie when I'd not even cared about her in the book.

Angie via Twitter said that she's on her 3rd copy of P&P's DVD as she has seen this too many times...


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