16 Things to Look forward to in 2016...

Happy New Year's Eve!

This is this blog's 296th and last post for 2015. As I wait (one more hour here, ET in my time zone!) to welcome the new year, I thought I'd post here 16 things I look forward to seeing and hope to happen (and more) in the coming New Year, 2016!

In random order...

1. film is (finally) coming to Netflix on New Year's Day (January 1st, 2016)! It's about damn time! I'll have this movie added on my list of movies to watch instantly...or as soon as it's added, of course!

2. Pride & Prejudice (2005) 10th Year anniversary (possible) CAST reunion...I still would love to see the cast reunite for a photo-op just like the P&P London premiere (see one of the photos below) a decade ago and be featured in Entertainment Weekly's Cast Reunion Issue sometime in 2015 2016 (since it didn't happen on its 10th anniversary this year, unfortunately...).

3. New (possible) Pride & Prejudice 10th Anniversary DVD/Blu-ray (special edition)... *crosses fingers! Hope Universal Entertainment will release a new one besides that old standard DVD re-release for January 2016...sometime in 2016 (since it didn't happen on its 10th anniversary)...*

4. 's Final Season 6 USA premiere on PBS Masterpiece (Sunday, January 3rd!) - Looking forward to seeing the final season (I heard there's a P&P mention and movie reference by Mrs. Isobel Crawley aka P&P 2005's very own Mrs. Gardiner herself) as I've waited long enough to and managed to avoid spoilers!

5. novel's 203 years Anniversary (January 28th)

6. Hallmark Channel's Unleashing Mr. Darcy movie - Premieres January 23rd. I'll be watching this new movie's modern re-telling of P&P (with a dog show in the mix) to see a new Elizabeth & Darcy (of course, Keira & Matthew will always be my favorite EB & Mr. Darcy, but still...I'm very open-minded about other P&P adaptations and inspired movies)...

7. - US Theatrical release (sometime in 2015) February 5th, 2016...still curious to see this Zombie parody P&P adaptation...


9. Season 4 of Ripper Street (starring ) - Looking forward to the US TV Premiere on BBC America (sometime in 2016) and his new ITV/PBS Drama .

10. Bridget Jones's Baby (starring Renee Zellweger, , and Patrick Dempsey) - In US Theaters September 16th, 2016! Looking forward to seeing this movie as I loved the first two Bridget Jones movies: Bridget Jones's Diary and Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason.
11. To get a Q&A/Blog Interview with one or any of the P&P (2005) Actors sometime in 2016 would be nice, since it didn't happen on their film's 10th anniversary this year.
12. To see Keira & Matthew co-star again in another movie or for KK to guest star on MM's Ripper Street Season 5!
13. Looking forward to seeing Rosamund Pike in A United Kingdom movie sometime in 2016!
14. Excited to see Jena Malone's cameo (hopefully, she's in the movie) in Batman v Superman movie starring Henry Cavill, Amy Adams, and Ben Affleck in March 2016!
15. Looking for more P&P Blog Contributors/Guest Bloggers and Graphic Artists - See previous post here.
16. This P&P Blog's 9th Year Blogoversary (May 29th)!


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