Movie Casting News: Rosamund Pike emerges as front runner to co-star with Ben Affleck for David Fincher's 'Gone Girl'

The Hollywood Reporter reports that Rosamund Pike is being considered to be a front runner to star in a female lead role opposite Ben Affleck in David Fincher's upcoming film Gone Girl.

I'd say, yes please, for Rosamund Pike to get cast in this movie and for her and Ben Affleck to co-star in a film together. Hope Miss Pike gets the part. I'm sure she and Affleck will look good together in this movie...they already do, anyway, in the above photo (via Peek & Cloppenburg)!

Rosamund has previously worked with (but not co-star yet in a movie ) and done Peek & Cloppenburg's Spring/Summer 2010 Fashion Campaign with actor/director and Academy Award and Golden Globe winner Ben Affleck. (See previous related posts Behind The Scenes: Rosamund Pike & Ben Affleck in 'Hollywood Stories' (Spring/Summer 2010 Fashion Campaign) and More Behind the scenes: Peek & Cloppenburg interview with Rosamund Pike).

Here's the article via THR...


The casting of the titular role in David Fincher's adaptation of Gone Girlseems to be having as many twists as the novel it's based on. According to The Hollywood ReporterRosamund Pike is now considered the front-runner to star in the highly-anticipated film version of Gillian Flynn's bestselling thriller. 
Fincher has his eye on the Jack Reacher actress to play Amy, a disillusioned wife who mysteriously vanishes. Ben Affleck is already set to play Nick, Amy's husband who becomes a suspect after her disappearance. Charlize Theron, Emily Blunt, and Natalie Portman had all been rumored as possibilities for the role of Amy, but a source tells THR that they are out of the running. 
Although Pike has been in films such as Pride and Prejudice and Wrath of the Titans, she is not that well known. However, Fincher also plucked Rooney Mara out of relative obscurity to star in The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo. Pike could be an interesting, refreshing choice instead of a big-name star. But until we find out who's officially been cast, the suspense continues. 


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