Miss Austen starring Keeley Hawes coming to PBS Masterpiece on May 2025!

Miss Austen starring Keeley Hawes (aka Matthew Macfadyen’s real-life wife) as Miss Cassandra Austen, (Jane’s older sister) just released new stills and will air in four episodes in the U.S. on MASTERPIECE on PBS starting Sunday, May 4, 2025, 9/8c. In the UK, it’ll air on BBC iplayer and BBC in 2025! 

The timing for this is great as 2025 also marks 250 years since Jane Austen was born.

Read more info. about Miss Austen via PBS’ Masterpiece below… 

In Miss Austen, the drama begins in 1830, many years after Jane has died. Cassandra rushes to visit Isabella, the niece of her long-dead fiancé, who is about to lose her home following her father’s death.

Cassandra is ostensibly there to help Isabella, but her real motive is to find a hidden bundle of private letters which, in the wrong hands, she fears could destroy Jane’s reputation. On discovering them, Cassandra is overwhelmed as she is transported back to her youth.

In flashback, we meet Young Cassy and Jane as they navigate the romantic infatuations, family feuds and dashed hopes which shaped their lives, and laid the foundations for Jane’s unforgettable stories. Cassandra’s re-evaluation of her past eventually leads her to find a way to guide Isabella towards the path of true happiness.

Miss Austen, based on the best-selling novel of the same name by Gill Hornby, is adapted by British Academy of Film and Television Arts (BAFTA) award-winning writer Andrea Gibb (Elizabeth is Missing, Mayflies).

Rose Leslie (Game of Thrones) as Isabella Fowle. Synnøve Karlsen (Last Night in Soho), Patsy Ferran (Living), Max Irons (The Wife), Alfred Enoch (How to Get Away with Murder), Calam Lynch (Bridgerton) and Phyllis Logan (Downton Abbey) are all also part of the star-studded cast.


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