Happy Birthday Tamzin Merchant!

Today (March 4th) is the 37th birthday of Tamzin Merchant (aka Georgiana Darcy in the 2005 Pride & Prejudice film). Tweet Miss Merchant your birthday wishes today on her twitter account here: tamzin merchant or send her a birthday greetings via her Instagram account.
Tamzin Merchant is a British born actor, writer and director. She grew up in Dubai and was cast in her first professional role as Georgiana Darcy in Joe Wright's Pride & Prejudice. She attended The University of Cambridge to read English Literature and continued to develop her career as an actor alongside her studies. Merchant has starred in ...  See full bio » (via IMDB)  
Happy Birthday Tamzin Merchant!

Tamzin Merchant (as Georgiana Darcy)
in Pride & Prejudice 2005


An in interesting P&P Trivia:

  • According to the director's (Joe Wright) dvd commentary, Tamzin Merchant (Georgiana Darcy) did her own piano playing in the film.
Check out this very cool fansite: Tamzin Merchant Fan for more info and latest news on Tamzin Merchant.

Upcoming TV and Film projects for 2023 for Tamzin Merchant... 
1. A Midsummer Night's Dream 
2.  Carnival Row (TV Series) (post-production)  (2019-2023)
Imogen Spurnrose 
Pilot (2019) ... Imogen Spurnrose 
3. Tom Jones (TV Miniseries) (2023) - Aunt Harriet 
4. Ark 


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