Happy Birthday Claudie Blakley!

Today, January 4th, is former Pride & Prejudice star Claudie Blakley's (best known to P&P Fans as Charlotte Lucas turned Mrs. Collins in P&P movie) 50th birthday.

Claudie, born ClaudiaBlakley is the sister of Kirsten Blakley, the lead singer with indie band Little Spitfire, and their father was Alan Blakley, bassist with Brian Poole's Tremeloes, who had several pop hits in the 1960s. Sadly Alan died of cancer in 1996 and missed seeing his daughters' success. Claudie graduated from London's Central School ... See full bio (on IMDB).

Throwback to this photo of Claudie Blakley (with her husband Ross Anderson) at the UK Premiere of Angelina Jolie's film "Unbroken," November 2014.

Worth reposting here...

Besides Pride & Prejudice, you may or may not have seen Claudie in the following costume dramas in TV and Films...I've seen them all and she was very good in all. I recommend you check them out, if you haven't already...

  • Larkrise to Candleford (with Downton Abbey's Brendan Coyle and P&P '95's Julia Sawalha)
  • Cranford (with Judi Dench and Simon Woodsand Return to Cranford (with Judi Dench)
  • Gosford Park (with Tom Hollander)
  • He Knew He Was Right (with David Tennant)
  • War Bride (with Anna Friel)
  • Bright Star (with Abbie Cornish)
Check out several stills and screen captures Claudie Blackley as Charlotte Lucas in Pride & Prejudice below as well as the P&P London Premiere with the cast and more below...

Claudie Blakley as Charlotte Lucas in Pride & Prejudice (2005)

P&P Character & Companion Book
P&P On Set/Behind The Scenes 
Claudie Blakley in P&P (2005) London Premiere


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