Happy Birthday Rupert Friend!

Today (October 1st) is the 37th birthday of Emmy Award Nominee Rupert Friend (aka P&P 05's own Mr. Wickham). Rupert was born Rupert William Anthony Friend on October 1st, 1981 in Oxfordshire, England, UK.

Rupert, officially joined Twitter (in 2013): @rupertfriend and blogs on WhoSay.  He's on Facebook and Instagram too. If you're a fan, you can follow him in social media and be sure to wish him a Happy Birthday today.

Happy Birthday Rupert Friend!!!

Worth re-posting here are these interesting RF info I previously posted...

A multi-talented actor/writer/director (he can sing too! Watch him sing in Mrs. Palfrey and listen to him sing in Lullaby movies!), Rupert has two short films (he co-wrote and co-produced) titled The Suicide Brothers (2010 with Keira Knightley and Tom Mison co-starred with him) and Steve (2011) starring Colin Firth, Keira Knightley, and Tom Mison), which he also wrote, co-produced, and directed. Two years ago, Rupert Friend was honored a Crystal Image Award for his work on 'Steve'. Videos: Watch director Rupert Friend promotes his short film 'Steve' starring Colin Firth and Keira Knightley

As for his acting and movies, for those of you looking for a movie starring RF in a bigger, leading male role where he plays the good guy (handsome and charming too), check out and see Rupert in The Young Victoria (as Prince Albert) with Emily Blunt and Mrs Palfrey at The Claremont (as Ludovic Meyer...see a video clip of him singing below...one of my favorite scenes with him in the movie). I highly recommend you check out and see RF in these two great films. You'll love him, he was amazing in both films! But if you prefer the bad boy type of roles he played (and quite convincingly as well...he's such a very good, underrated, and versatile character actor!)... then, watch him in his small (and still memorable) supporting roles in films like Pride & Prejudice (2005) as unlikable Mr. Wickham and The Boy in the Striped Pajamas as the bad boy jerk Liutenant Kotler.

Watch Rupert as Ludovic Meyer
playing a guitar and singing "For All We Know"
(source: ) 

Also, check out and listen to Rupert singing "Declaration" and a duet called "Suddenly" with Lullaby co-star Clémence Poésy from the folk/jazz genre Lullaby soundtrack (which featured , the catchy tune from the Lullaby trailer)

or listen below...


Here's Rupert's Current/Upcoming Film Projects for 2018 (via IMDB):
1.  Dream Corp LLC (TV Series)  (2018)
Patient 62 - Amnesia (2018) ... Patient 62
2. A Simple Favor ...Dennis Nylon (2018)
3. At Eternity's Gate ...Theo Van Gogh (2018)
4. Strange Angel (TV Series) (2018)
Ernest Donovan
- The Sacrificial Dance (2018) ... Ernest Donovan
- Sacrament of the Ancestors (2018) ... Ernest Donovan
- Evocation of the Elders (2018) ... Ernest Donovan
- Glorification of The Chosen One (2018) ... Ernest Donovan
- The Mystic Circle of Young Girls (2018) ... Ernest Donovan


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