If you missed Thursday night's NBC Red Nose Day Special especially the airing of Red Nose Day Actually (a 10-minute 16:46 minute short film sequel to Love Actually, the 2003 romantic-comedy movie), in which Keira Knightleywith some of her original LA co-stars (including Colin Firthand Hugh Grant to name a few) reunited for the mini-sequel (with additional clip of co-star Laura Linney for the US version only), NBC has released the full short film on their YouTube Channel and you can now watch it below in HD!
Watch Red Nose Day Actually short film and BTS videos below...
Plus watch Keira and Red Nose Day Actually cast on the Behind The Scenes video via TODAY Show below...
And Keira's newly released Red Nose Day ActuallyPromo Photos below...
Today ( January 27th ) is the lovely and ethereally beautiful, Golden Globe , BAFTA , Academy Award nominee for Best Actress (for her outstanding performance as Amy Dunne in Gone Girl ) and Emmy Award winner Rosamund Pike (aka Pride & Prejudice 2005 's very own Jane Bennet )'s 42nd Birthday ! Or is it?!?! Miss Pike herself just posted on her official Instagram page that today is her internet birthday (and somewhat not her real birthday)! Well, color me surprised (much like her P&P co-star Rupert Friend’s birthday confusion...) as I’ve been celebrating her birthday on this day for years, lol. I blame her IMDB and Wiki pages for not providing her real birthdate, if her actual birthday is, in fact not today! Although there’s that one time it was listed on the 28th, but for years and even now it’s still listed as the 27th! Which is correct? Unless, Miss Pike can clarify and correct that..for now, I’...
Our P&P (2005) movie's 10th Year Anniversary event here continues... One of the many things I love about Pride & Prejudice ( 2005 ) movie is the memorable and quotable quotes (and dialogue ). I know pretty much every line/quote uttered by various characters in this movie by heart. There isn't just one to remember because there are so many unforgettable quotes and one-liners from this movie. For my Top 10 Favorite Pride & Prejudice Movie Quotes here, it was very hard to pick and just narrow it down to 10, but that's the point of making a top 10 list. I know I left out a lot, but I managed to pick 10 that I can quote instantly and love the most. Obviously, the top 2 are a fan favorite, but mine too. Here are my Top 10 Favorite P&P Movie Quotes below...
I am re-posting here (for the third time as I first posted in 2008, then, in 2010...and now 2018, about 8 years later) about Pride & Prejudice (2005) film's potential deleted scenes as I've been finding/have collected more images (from either promotional photos that were possible and potential deleted/extend scenes) over the years!
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