In Theaters Today: A United Kingdom

In select theaters today is Belle director Amma Asante’s latest film A United Kingdom starring Rosamund Pike with her Jack Reacher co-star David Oyelowo (who co-produced the film).

Watch the trailer, see the stills, synopsis, and more below...

Official Synopsis
A UNITED KINGDOM tells the inspiring true story of Seretse Khama, the King of Bechuanaland (modern Botswana), and Ruth Williams, the London office worker he married in 1948 in the face of fierce opposition from their families and the British and South African governments. Seretse and Ruth defied family, Apartheid and empire - their love triumphed over every obstacle flung in their path and in so doing they transformed their nation and inspired the world.
A United Kingdom Stills 
featuring Rosamund Pike as Ruth Williams
 (source: Pathe UK | Fox Searchlight)
A United Kingdom Promotional Posters
 (source: ImpAwards)

Previously Posted A United Kingdom Posts


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