Movie Casting News: Jena Malone and Josh Hartnett to star in 'A Moment To Remember'

This is an interesting casting news (though I'm a bit late on posting this here) and movie title. Today's birthday celebrant Jena Malone will star as the female lead in a new indie drama, A Moment to Remember with Josh Harnett, who was in talks (in August) to co-star with her, according to Deadline. I thought the title and premise sounded familiar and that I've seen a movie similar to this one. Sure enough, I remember seeing a similar one, which was a South Korean movie of the same title (and premise) a couple years ago. It was a very good melo-drama (but a tearjerker one) Korean film. So, with Jena starring on this Hollywood remake opposite handsome Josh Harnett, plus the writer of Erin Brockovich. I am most definitely looking forward to seeing this movie!

Read more info. on A Moment To Remember (via Hollywood Reporter and Deadline) below...

Cannes: Jena Malone to Star in 'A Moment to Remember' (Exclusive)

Brian O'Shea's The Exchange is shopping the project to foreign buyers at the Cannes Film Festival.

Jena Malone is set to star in A Moment to Remember, a romantic drama about a young married woman stricken with a disease that begins to wipe away her memory, forcing her husband to desperately try to give her one last memory of their love.
Ben Lewin, director of the acclaimed indie drama The Sessions (2012), will helm the film for Sobini  Films from a script by Lewin and Susannah Grant (Erin Brockovich).
Brian O'Shea's The Exchange is selling the film to foreign buyers at the Cannes Film Festival, where Nicolas Winding Refn's The Neon Demon, starring Malone opposite Elle Fanning, makes its much-anticipated world premiere next week. Malone also starred in The Hunger Games franchise.
Sobini Films' Mark Amin is producing A Moment to Remember alongside Cami Winikoff and Scott Lambert. 
“Jena is honest and vulnerable with an authentic presence," said Lewin.
The project is based on a Japanese TV series called Pure Soul broadcast on Yomiuri TV. In 2004, it was turned into a successful Korean film produced by CJ Entertainment and Sidus FNH Corporation.
Sobini's past slate includes Miles AheadGood Kill and Frida. [THR]

Josh Hartnett In Talks To Star In Indie ‘A Moment To Remember’
EXCLUSIVE: Penny Dreadful star Josh Hartnett is in talks to star in A Moment to Remember, an indie drama to be directed by Ben Lewin (The Sessions)Lewin penned the screenplay with Susannah Grant (Erin Brockovich) about a young woman who falls in love with a brusque but sweet man, but their marriage is destroyed after she develops a rare case of early-onset Alzheimer’s. Production is set to begin in November.

Jena Malone joined in May as the female lead and remains attached. Scott Lambert and Sobini Films’ Mark Amin are producing and Sobini is financing. [Deadline]


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