Holiday Gifts For Him | A Guide Inspired by Mr. Darcy, “The Ideal Man”

This holiday season marks the 10th anniversary when Joe Wright’s Pride & Prejudice (2005) made its way across the pond becoming a sensation. Matthew Macfadyen’s portrayal either revived old feelings or gave an introduction to millions of fans stateside why Mr. Darcy is the ultimate romantic hero. No other male figure in literature can compete with his enduring appeal with so many generations of women. Mr. Darcy’s fandom is so vast and fierce that he is the inspiration for spin-offs, adaptations, fan fiction, collectibles, and even games. His popularity spans the far reaches of the internet, from discussion forums to a manifold presence on every social media outlet in existence. Let’s face it, there’s just something about him. Jane Austen birthed this character over 200 years ago and he is still that dude! A day ago Miss Austen would have turned 240, Happy Freaking Birthday Jane!!! So let’s get this party started by examining one of her most beloved creations!

It is a truth universally acknowledged that Mr. Darcy is imbued with certain timeless attributes that make him the ideal suitor. Who knows if it was intentional, but you may have noticed that Austen doesn’t give us any specific details about his appearance. By leaving it to our imaginations it only adds to his allure because it allows us to visualize our own preferences. Obviously, he’s tall, rich, and handsome but there’s so much more to him beyond the surface. First impressions are that he is seemingly arrogant and unpleasant, but it turns out that he is actually kind, chivalrous and selfless. Sure with that stiff exterior he’s truly a tough nut to crack but beneath it all lays a gooey passionate center. These are the chief ingredients that make our hearts go pitter patter and send us into a near faint. He’s arguably the model for the romantic male interest that has been duplicated by many authors and filmmakers alike. Mr. Darcy is the original bae!

The qualities that embody Mr. Darcy as a whole are numerous. He is by no means infallible, he is flawed, but that’s the source of our fascination and what makes him so interesting. Women don’t expect perfection but we want someone who loves us so ardently, that he is willing to change because of that love. While he was always a good man in essentials Elizabeth’s initial rejection humbled him and allowed him to present his best self. Think about it, he doesn’t carry a grudge, but a torch. His love for her is so great that all of his good deeds are done for her benefit. He is modest to a fault, keeping his involvement a secret without the hope of knowing if she would ever return his feelings. That is utter devotion! It also cannot be denied that his wealth and status were able to provide and protect her family’s reputation. This may seem archaic to some, but despite our elevation and the ability to be self-reliant in today’s modern world; it’s nice knowing that a partner has your best interests at heart and wants to take care of you. It’s just special when someone demonstrates thoughtfulness by taking care of the simple things or shoulders all of the responsibility in a crisis; not that he has to, but because he wants to.

Women are also crazy about Mr. Darcy because he respects and treats Elizabeth as an equal. Although he acknowledges his physical attraction by stating his admiration of her fine eyes, it is her intelligence and charm that really get his attention and has him feenin’ for Lizzy. He takes pleasure in Elizabeth’s sparkling wit and encourages this with the verbal sparring he engages her in. They are perfectly matched in intellect. Together they are combustible, a melding of both hearts and minds. It’s not difficult to conceive that a man as forthright and intelligent as Mr. Darcy would have to possess a terrific sense of humor himself, to fall in love with someone as clever as Elizabeth. Darcy truly gets her. He needs her to tease him, so that he can loosen up and not be quite so serious. On the other hand, she needs someone who has as much integrity and kindness as she has. When it comes to the intensity of Darcy’s feelings, Elizabeth is not overwhelmed by such depth of emotion because she can return them equally. They both contribute to their relationship, that’s the modern equivalent of give and take; where our partner can compensate for our deficits and vice versa. Oh to be married to your true companion when coincidentally living in a mansion just happens to be one of the perks!
He’s smart, strong, silent, yet sensitive, and he’ll change for you. To quote Salt ‘N’ Pepa & En Vogue, “What a man, what a man, what a man, what a mighty good man!” What woman wouldn’t want a Mr. Darcy? He’s really not too far removed from some of the good men we know and love. For those of you who are so blessed to have men in your lives that possess similar qualities and can use some ideas or haven’t completed your holiday shopping; here’s a modern gift guide inspired by none other than Mr. Fitzwilliam Darcy, of Pemberley in Derbyshire, “A mighty, mighty good man, yes he is!”
© Natasha Shubrick is P&P Blog guest blogger/contributor. She loves all things Jane and is a devoted fan of the 2005 adaptation of Pride & Prejudice.
© Natasha Shubrick is P&P Blog guest blogger/contributor. She loves all things Jane and is a devoted fan of the 2005 adaptation of Pride & Prejudice.
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