Rosamund Pike to READ Pride and Prejuduce audio book to be released December 8! (Updated)

Previously, we heard Matthew Macfadyen, Mr. Darcy himself, read the first proposal scene of Jane Austen's beloved classic Pride and Prejudice novel. It would've been amazing if he had read the entire book. Also, it would been awesome if he and Keira Knightley would read P&P audio book together as I already pictured them as Darcy & Elizabeth whenever I re-read the novel. But since, neither one are reading it anytime soon (perhaps someday, who knows? MM, at least has read a passage of it), I just read this newsbit on Boston Globe's article that their former P&P co-starRosamund Pike aka Jane Bennet, the eldest Bennet sister will be reading P&P novel's new audiobook version to be released Next month, December 8th!

Although in Pride & Prejudice movie, Miss Jane Bennet said, "I wish I read more, but there's just so many other things to do." Not so, with Miss Rosamund Pike, who played her, as she loves to read in real life, unlike her character in the movie. Great to hear that she will be reading P&P novel's upcoming new audio book.

Read more via Boston Globe below...
And can one ever have too much Jane Austen? I think not. There are lots of audio versions of Austen’s novels out there already, but Rosamund Pike’s sprightly upcoming “Pride and Prejudice,’’ in which the “Gone Girl’’ star does all the voices — not just Lizzy and her sisters, but Mr. and Mrs. Bennet, Darcy, Wickham, and the rest — will be an entertaining addition to the fold when it is released Dec. 8.
Update 11/27/2015

It is available to pre-order on Pride and Prejudice Audible - Unabridged (free with Audible trial) and will be available to purchase on December 8 in 3 different formats: Kindle, Paperback, and Audible, Unabridged.


  1. How exciting! Do you know where it will be available?

  2. Elizabeth - It is available to pre-order on Pride and Prejudice Audible - Unabridged (free with Audible trial) and will be available to purchase on December 8 in 3 different formats: Kindle, Paperback, and Audible, Unabridged. I've updated this post with the Amazon link.


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