Top 10 Favorite Darcy Moments in Pride & Prejudice (2005) Movie

Our P&P (2005) movie's 10th Year Anniversary event here continues...

It was quite hard to pick my Top 10 Favorite Elizabeth Bennet Moments. It's even harder to pick my Top 10 favorite Darcy Moments in Pride & Prejudice (2005) movie. There were so many great Darcy moments/scenes in this movie.

Here are my Top 10 favorite Darcy Moments in P&P movie...

1. Dreamy and Darcylicious Darcy walking towards his dear Elizabeth, and declaring his unforgettable and bewitching "I love you's"...with that sexy voice of his, what's not to love?

2. "I LOVE YOU. Most ardently." Me too, Mr. Darcy! I heart U!

3. When Mr. Darcy finally shows his big SMILE in this lovely Pemberley scene...I melt and swoon. Every. Single. Time. To quote Mrs. Gardiner, "a HANDSOME face." I dare say, he is even more handsome when he smiles, don't you agree?

4. This Darcy stare... [I could stare at his gorgeous blue eyes all day, 24/7...lucky Miss Elizabeth!] Never. Gets. Old!

5. And this Darcy one too...with a little smirk. #nevergetsold

6. "Yes. Yes, I know." This Mr. Darcy puppy look is swoon-worthy.

7. "This is a charming house," says awkward Mr. Darcy...who is charming, himself.

8. "...I am a guest here." You can be my "special guest" here anytime, Mr. Darcy... *wink, wink*

9. "I do not have the talent of conversing easily with people I have never meet before." Cant say I blame you, Mr. D! It sure isn't easy to just talk to people you've never meet before, indeed.

10. "She's upstairs." What a gentleman, Darcy is, in this scene at Netherfield...standing quickly, bowing, and answering to Miss Elizabeth's question after she inquire about her beloved sister Jane.

That's my Top 10 Favorite Darcy Moments in P&P (2005) movie. What are yours?


  1. I would have to agree with you on down the line, Jeane. Although somewhere in there would be the very end balcony scene. Darcy's tenderness with his new wife, along with the sexy voice and half-dressed state..... *sigh

  2. Thanks Sharon for the comment here. Like I said, It was very hard to pick just 10 of my favorite Darcy scenes because I love every scene he was in, in this movie, but I had to pick 10 and that was the point of the top 10 pick the top 10. ;) Oh, I agree with you about the balcony scene (it's on my Top 10 favorite Elizabeth & Darcy moments though) with Darcy and him saying "Mrs. Darcy" 5 times...with that sexy voice, who wouldn't want to hear Darcy say that, right? And of course, can't forget about those 5 Darcylicious kisses on her lovely face. Lucky Keira/Elizabeth! ;)

  3. The confrontation in the rain. At the crescendo, they draw together and Darcy looks at Elizabeth's mouth. He inches forward almost as if involuntarily; but stops himself just short of kissing her. She also moves closer to him despite a look of anger-driven intensity on her face.

    As we first see Darcy cross the field, Elizabeth exhales.

    The tiny idiosyncrasies - like when Bingley and Jane are dancing, he nearly forgets he's supposed to be going in the other direction and begins to follow her, then quickly corrects. When Darcy, Caroline and Charles are walking down the center aisle, Darcy does the briefest double take when he sees Elizabeth.

    When Elizabeth and her aunt and uncle arrive at Pemberley, Elizabeth snickers and has this look of "NATURALLY it's magnificent." The transformation as she admires the art at Pemberley; and the gradual softening of her attitude as she looks at the bust of Darcy.


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