My Pride & Prejudice (2005) Movie Collection

Our P&P (2005) movie's 10th Year Anniversary event here continues...

Tomorrow is the 10th Anniversary of Pride & Prejudice (starring Keira Knightley and Matthew Macfadyen) film's UK Cinema release and to continue celebrating here, I thought I'd post and share my P&P movie collection. I have previously posted about my P&P (2005) movie collection here. The Mr. Darcy's Bust for sale post kind of inspired me to post this as it's definitely on my wish list to purchase a copy of Darcy's bust to add to my collection. Also, an autograph from Miss Knightley would be nice to add too. If only...maybe someday.

For now, check out my updated P&P movie collection below...

(click all images to enlarge!)

My P&P 2005 collection

(ie. 2-disc collector box set include the 2-disc dvd, a companion book from the movie, and a soundtrack cd;  Malaysian dvd/vcd version, standard dvd not pictured here; new blu-ray disc; movie tie-in novel, my own printed bookmark; 2 copies of  soundtrack cds; and a movie poster/map in one)

This P&P (UK version) movie poster's back is also a... map and shows you various Pride & Prejudice filming
in England for both P&P '95 miniseries and '05 film.

The P&P 2-Disc Collector's Box Set Front and Back Covers

Pride & Prejudice Deluxe 2-Disc DVD Gift Set include: P&P 2-Disc Collector's Edition, P&P Original Motion Picture Soundtrack, P&P Companion Book (a 64-page production photo book), and Atonement movie ticket.

FYI: Atonement movie ticket was only for the first limited release of this similar gift set.

My Matthew Macfadyen Autographed Photos



  1. Wow, that's a lovely collection you have! I didn't even know there were collector's editions of the film. I only have the DVD and the soundtrack.

  2. Thanks Emmanuelle for your wonderful comment here. Yes, there was a 2-Disc Collector's Edition with the soundtrack and P&P companion book. It's a must-buy for every P&P fan of this movie. :)

  3. Amazing selection! Its nice to see a fellow 2005 version fan of the classic. Do you know if they have a photo book for the 2005 film? :)

  4. OMG! i love your collection <3 where you buying the poster and map of the movie? :o


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