Watch: Claudie Blakley guest stars on Call The Midwife's Season 4 - Episode 4 on PBS!

Last night I did not expect to watch a random new episode of Call The Midwife's current Season 4 on PBS. I was just searching for a show to watch on TV and as I was browsing the various channels, I stumbled upon Call The Midwife. While I've heard of this series and I've seen an episode or two of the first season, it just wasn't my cup of tea. So, I never keep up with the show. To my surprise, I thought I saw P&P's very own Charlotte Lucas on CTM! I mean, Claudie Blakley on this show's newest episode! I made a quick IMDB check to see if my eyes are not deceiving me and if she was actually on this show...sure enough, she was, indeed! And was listed in at least this one episode as a guest star. So, I ended up watching this show and was glad I did as I actually enjoyed watching her character's own interesting storyline. She played the character Susan Robbins, who is married and was expecting their first child. Her husband, unfortunately, was giving her undue pressure to bear a son. She appeared for the most part of this episode, which was a pleasant surprise, and I loved the last scene she appeared in. You'll have to watch the episode (or scroll down this post) to see what I mean.

Watch the full episode 4 (while it still available to stream on Call The Midwife's website) or watch it on the embedded videos with synopsis of the episode and some screen captures of CB's character Susan Robbins below...

Episode #4.4
Sister Winifred’s eyes are opened to Poplar’s seedy underworld when she cares for an expectant prostitute. Meanwhile, Barbara struggles to understand why an expectant father would put undue pressure on his wife to bear a son, and Sister Monica Joan feels redundant as the busy midwives go about their work. The bishop’s meeting with Tom leads to an argument between Trixie and Tom.

or if the PBS video above expires, watch it via YouTube below... 

Call The Midwife Season 4 - Episode 4
Screen Captures featuring Claudie Blakley as Susan Robbins

 My favorite scene/moment of this episode...
 ...The happy family ending moment...
(I love a happy ending moment, don't you? 
Aww, just look at them!)

Speaking of Claudie Blakley, it's been a while since I last saw her on TV. So, it was a very pleasant and wonderful surprise to see her on last night's CTM episode. While checking IMDB last night, I noticed that she has a couple more guest appearances this year on the following TV series

1. Silent Witness (TV Series) - Louise Marsh (2015)
- Protection: Part 2 (2015) ... Louise Marsh
- Protection: Part 1 (2015) ... Louise Marsh 
2. Midsomer Murders (TV Series)  - Claire Asher (2015)
The Ballad of Midsomer County (2015) ... Claire Asher


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