TBT: Pride & Prejudice (2005)'s top film critics rave reviews

Throwback Thursday: Pride & Prejudice (2005)'s rave reviews from top film critics

85% Certified Fresh (from all film critics) on Rotten Tomatoes and 90% "Like" from audiences (on their site)...here's 35 (out of 38) Top Film Critics brief rave reviews....

Critics Consensus: Sure, it's another adaptation of cinema's fave Jane Austen novel, but key performances and a modern filmmaking sensibility make this familiar period piece fresh and enjoyable.

Read (or if you have read them before, re-read) the following...

-*4 stars* "Supremely Entertaining! Bewitches The Viewer Completely And Incandescently With An Exquisite Blend Of Emotion And Wit." (Claudia Puig, USA Today)
- "Exhilarating. With Outstanding Performances, 'Pride & Prejudice' Is A Joy From Start To Finish." (Carina Chocano, Los Angeles Times)
- "Makes you believe in true love, happily-ever-after and all the other stuff a romantic comedy promises but so seldom delivers. Satisfyingly rich. The sumptuous new screen adaptation has so much to recommend it." (Stephen Holden, New York Times)

- *4 stars* "One Of The Most Delightful And Heartwarming Adaptations Made From Austen Or Anybody Else." (Roger Ebert, Chicago Sun-Times)
- *4 stars* "A Jaunty Romantic Comedy That Leaves Us As Incandescently Happy As Its Characters! Exhilaratingly Made!" (Wesley Morris, The Boston Globe)
- "Keira Knightley Is A Vast Force Of Nature! She Just Rules The Screen!" (Stephen Hunter, The Washington Post)
- "Dare I say that even Jane Austen herself would have delighted in the final triumph of Ms. Knightley's quick-witted Elizabeth in this film? Yes, I do, and all the highbrow and middlebrow cinephobes of the world be damned." (Andrew Sarris, New York Observer)
- "As historically authentic-looking as Pride & Prejudice is, it has far more invested in emotional authenticity -- you feel engaged every moment." (Stephanie Zacharek, Salon.com)
- "Like the classic novel itself, the movie brings a certain sadness when the end has come and there is no more to watch."
(Susan Walker, Toronto Star)
- "A joy to behold." (David Edelstein, Slate)
- "For the uninitiated, I can't imagine a better introduction to this classic." (Ruthe Stein, San Francisco Chronicle)
- "This is a playful Pride, cuddly and cute and all lush English pastures, stunning sunsets and regal manor homes." (Roger Moore, Orlando Sentinel)
- "The film is faithful to its source material, but not in a rigid, stodgy way. It's the rare adaptation that should please purists and dilettantes alike." (Lisa Rose, Newark Star-Ledger)
- "Listen up, guys, have I got a flick for you: It's all about money, sex and slammin' babes in saucy-wench get-ups, and it goes down in the same country that gave us Led Zeppelin and the Clash." (Kyle Smith, New York Post)
- "Seeing the splendid new version of Pride & Prejudice can be hazardous to your health: There's a very real danger of swooning." (Jamie Bernard, New York Daily News)
- "Knightley is the best thing about this enjoyable adaptation, immediately owning the wardrobe and the words and the weather as if she were born to the manner -- and manor." (Michael Booth, Denver Post)
- "It's all compelling, real and fresh." (Terry Lawson, Detroit Free Press)
- "Joe Wright, in his feature-length directorial debut, accommodates the genteel gauze without neglecting the well-aimed stings." (Philip Wuntch, Dallas Morning News)
- "Wright and Moggach open the windows on P&P and let it breathe." (Carrie Rickey, Philadelphia Inquirer)
- "If the filmmaking is somewhat less perfect than in Ang Lee's Sense and Sensibility, Austen fans will nonetheless delight to see their favorite characters brought to life." (Kerry Lengel, Arizona Republic)
- "As with so much of this Pride & Prejudice, you wish it would never end." (Bruce Newman, San Jose Mercury)
- "Pride & Prejudice is highbrow movie- making, in the finest sense of the term." (Jeff Strickler, Minneapolis Star Tribune)
- "It's an exuberant film adaptation of real personality -- lively, coltish, imaginatively conceived for a fluid camera." (Michael Phillips, Chicago Tribune)
- "Of Austen's novels, none is more beloved than this one, so it's good to see it once again brought to the screen with the pride which it deserves." (James Berardinelli, ReelViews)
- "If young audiences respond to it at all -- as I am sure they will -- it will be because Wright has brought out the vigor in Austen's romance in a way that the other adaptations I've seen never quite accomplished." (Peter Rainer, Christian Science Monitor)
- "Knightley brings Austen's book to glorious, pulsating life." (Eleanor Ringel Gillespie, Atlanta Journal-Constitution)
- "Director Joe Wright, working from a screenplay by Deborah Moggach, has brought both romantic sweep and rich verisimilitude to Austen's story." (Gene Seymour, Newsday)
- "At a time when we seem to be inundated by one gruesome, depressing movie after another, it's reassuring to see an elegant man's pride and a stubborn woman's prejudice reach the lushly realized assertion that love conquers all." (Rex Reed, New York Observer)
- "A movie in which the search for love all but pulses with the excitement of uncertainty." (Owen Gleiberman, Entertainment Weekly)
- "Director Joe Wright also coordinates a delightfully cohesive acting ensemble." (Jessica Winter, Village Voice)
- "Even the most rabid Janeites must allow that director Joe Wright, 33, has given Austen's novel a beguilingly youthful spin without compromising the novel's late-eighteenth-century manners." (Peter Travers, Rolling Stone)
- "Anyone coming to the movie fresh and not demanding a chapter-by-chapter adaptation will respond to the pic's emotional sweep, sumptuous lensing and marvelous sense of ensemble." (Derek Elley, Variety)

Rotten Tomatoes: Pride & Prejudice Film Critic Reviews


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