Movie Casting News: Jena Malone cast for a mystery role in Zack Snyder's 'Batman v Superman' film?

This isn't by any means confirmed just yet by Warner Bros. Pictures, but since yesterday Jena Malone has been all over the CBM news and today has been trending on facebook and various social media of her possible casting (with so many multiple sources reporting and some confirming...) for a mystery role in Zack Snyder's (director of her Sucker Punch film) Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (starring Henry Cavill, Amy Adams, and Ben Affleck) film, which is currently filming right now.

Now, neither Jena nor Snyder have confirmed this, but speculations have been floating around of her BVS casting when she recently dyed her hair red and posted the following photo two weeks ago on her Instagram account hinting to her casting in possible female Robin role with a quote from The Dark Knight Returns (which BVS' Batman character was inspired from):

Drastic times call for drastic measures.

Whether this is true or just a rumor, we'll eventually find out very soon. I hope it's true because I'd love to see Jena (pictured with BVS star Amy Adams in the left) in this movie and she's good friends with director Zack Snyder. There's a good chance that she might be in this BVS movie as Snyder loves to work with actors who previously worked in his films (much like P&P's director Joe Wright who loves working with his P&P actors and crew in his films). Interesting though, Jena has already been rumored to be cast in BVS movie when she visited the film's set in Detroit last August (though she might just be visiting her Sucker Punch director friend).

Here are a couple photos of her visiting the BVS set in Detroit with her younger sister Madison Mae (behind Jena in the second pic)...

Speaking of BVS, a few years ago, I posted here a Casting News: Rosamund Pike in the shortlist for a female lead role in new 'Superman' film. This was the Man of Steel movie, which was released in June 2013. Unfortunately, she was reportedly turned down on the lead (possibly the villain) role of Faora, which went to Antje Traue (I saw the movie and I thought she was perfect for the role, which actually wasn't a lead role, but a supporting female role). Perhaps it wasn't meant to be for Rosamund back then. She was even rumored for the The X-Men: First Class film. That would've been cool if she was in that movie with Jennifer Lawrence (who co-starred with Jena and Donald in The Hunger Games movies including the upcoming Mockingjay Part 1). They were in another lesser known movie together: The Devil You Know, but not exactly together as they played the same character with Rosamund playing the older Zoe and Jennifer playing the younger Zoe.

Anyway, back to BVS, here are some articles mentioning Jena's mystery role casting...  
Batman v Superman opens in theaters on March 25, 2016 and also stars Henry Cavill, Ben Affleck, Amy Adams, Gal Gadot, Jesse Eisenberg, Diane Lane, Laurence Fishburne, Jason Momoa, Holly Hunter, Scoot McNairy and Jeremy Irons.


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