New 'Calvary' and 'Innocence' stills featuring Kelly Reilly

Kelly Reilly, as previously mentioned here, has 4 feature films this year such as Chinese Puzzle (as Wendy; the 3rd movie to The Spanish Apartment trilogy) which opened in US select theaters last May 16th, Heaven Is for Real (as Sonja Burpo) was a box-office success (with U.S. Domestic gross of $91 million) opened in U.S. Theaters last April 16th, and recently released on DVD and Blu-ray. Then, she starred in the limited (13 episodes), her first U.S. TV series, Black Box, which premiered on ABC last April 24th, and just wrapped last Thursday (July 24th) its 2-hour Season One finale. According to Deadline: RATINGS RAT RACE: ‘Black Box’ Finale Ticks Up, ‘Hell’s Kitchen’ & ‘Hollywood Game Night’ Closers Flat. The two-hour finale of ABC’s Black Box (0.7) was up a tenth from last week. Just waiting now for news of a possible Season 2 renewal...

Her next two upcoming films will both be released at the beginning and end of August. Calvary will open in US theaters August 1st, and Innocence (as Pamela Hamilton) will be in theaters (previously August 15th) August 29th.  Plus 2 upcoming films slated for 2015 releasesSet Fire to the Stars and Mystery Ride (announced) as Kate Summers.

Speaking of Calvary and Innocence, new stills featuring Kelly had been released for both films. Check them out below...
Calvary stills featuring Kelly Reilly as Fiona Lavelle

Innocence still featuring Kelly Reilly as Pamela Hamilton


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