TV Casting News: Rosamund Pike to voice Lady Penelope in ITV's 'Thunderbirds Are Go!' remake

Rosamund Pike will voice International rescue agent Lady Penelope in the upcoming ITV reboot of the classic kids series Thunderbirds, in Thunderbirds Are Go!

Here's more info. via Radio Times:

Rosamund Pike is to voice Lady Penelope in ITV’s upcoming reinvention of the classic 1960s series Thunderbirds, entitled Thunderbirds Are Go! 
The former Bond girl, who played Miranda Frost in Die Another Day, will star as aristocratic secret agent Lady P alongside David Graham, who reprises his vocal role as her chauffeur Parker from the original 1965 series. Fonejacker Kayvan Novak will play boffin Brains, with Game of Thrones’ Thomas Brodie-Sangster as both International Rescue brothers Gordon and John Tracy. 
Also cast are Rasmus Hardiker (Lead Balloon) as both Alan and Scott Tracy, David Menkin as Virgil, Sandra Dickinson (The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy) as Grandma Tracy and Andres Williams (M.I. High) as villain The Hood. 
New characters Kayo and Colonel Casey will be voiced by Merlin’s Angel Coulby and Doctor Who’s Adjoa Andoh. 
“I’m very excited to bring Lady Penelope’s wry wit and taste for adventure to a new generation,” Pike commented. “Exploring the scenes with David Graham has been an absolute delight. The scripts are very modern, very fresh and very funny. We’re all eagerly anticipating our next stint in the recording studio!”  Read full article here.


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