The Hunger Games Victors Revealed: Jena Malone's Johanna Mason gets Catching Fire Victor banner

Jena Malone's fearless character Johanna Mason (one of The Hunger Games' former victors from District 7) in the upcoming The Hunger Games: Catching Fire film ( co-star in the sequel to the mega-blockbuster The Hunger Games) not only got a solo, sly and stunning character profile and in the cover of Zoetic Sol: The Capitol Couture's Summer Issue, which is part of the film's viral marketing promo. Her cover issue includes a profile and character description. You can read it here. Now, she's added and joined her fellow victors, Katniss & Peeta, the current Hunger Games victors from District 12 in the brand new Catching Fire promo Victors banner just revealed this morning via The Hunger Games Explorer.

Also, Jena is recently featured in a Vogue Magazine article:  The Hunger Games' Jena Malone on Going Blonde, Getting Fit, and Becoming Johanna Mason Her Catching Fire co-star Jennifer Lawrence covers the current September 2013 issue of Vogue.

Check out Jena as Johanna in new Catching Fire promo banner(s) via The Hunger Games Explorer...



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