Anna Karenina's 'For Your Consideration 2012' website

As Anna Karenina is now showing in limited release in theaters with a strong opening weekend debut. It is adding 11 more states (with several cities and 50+ theater count) this Thanksgiving week starting on Wednesday (November 21st) and Friday (November 23rd). Find your city here for more theaters to see Anna Karenina! Unfortunately, my city/state is not showing it just yet. It will continue to add more cities though by November 30th and beyond. So, my wait continues...

Focus Features has launched their For Your Consideration 2012 website featuring a page for Anna Karenina for the upcoming awards season.
Also, AK's website (via Focus Features) has updated it with more features...

Anna Karenina: Epic Love Featurette
Go behind-the-scenes with the stars and the filmmakers of ANNA KARENINA, a Focus Features release.
Anna Karenina: Tom Stoppard Featurette
Tom Stoppard and Joe Wright reflect on the experience of adapting Leo Tolstoy's novel to film.


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