P&P Blog Update: Just Joined Tumblr and Pinterest!

Expanding my social network hangout and knowledge, I've just joined Tumblr (Follow me under First Impressions) and Pinterest (feel free to LIKE and pin or repin my blog posts here and pins there!) late last night. As if Devoted P&P fan page on facebook, Twitter and this blog aren't keeping me busy enough, lol. Well, gotta keep up with the times as I'm always late on joining this other social networks. It took me long enough to join FB (which by the way, just reached 2000+ LIKES! yesterday! Yay!)...so might as well get with the program and on board with Tumblr and Penterest, which I've been contemplating on joining lately as I thought the trio of fb, twitter, and this blog are already enough (and takes a lot of time as they are) for me, but I guess not.

Tumblr and Penterest were so tempting me, I couldn't delay my not joining of them any longer and so I finally caved in and joined, lol. So far, I'm enjoying and getting a hang of them. They're quite a challenge as I'm still playing around with them. It's like a new toy or gadget, I have to play with them to get into them. I spent several hours just figuring out how to get started on both Tumblr and Penterest, so please be kind and gentle with me....I'm a newbie, like some of you were when you started or joined those social networks. We shall see how far I'll get into them...

If FB isn't enough for you, follow this Blog here or subscribe to this blog's feed here to keep you updated on all my latest posts here or you can find me in the following social networks spreading the P&P love everywhere...


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