Eight LOVE postcard posters for Joe Wright's 'Anna Karenina'

Focus Features has released via Yahoo! Movies eight LOVE postcards/posters for Joe Wright's Anna Karenina (starring former Pride & Prejudice stars Keira Knightley and Matthew Macfadyen)..  Each LOVE postcard (though a lil' spoilerish...) highlights a different kind of love featured in the movie. Interesting posters postcards! But wait...they're missing one more postcard, a sibling love (Anna & Oblonsky) postcard! UPDATED 10/9/12: Since siblings Anna and Oblonsky didn't have an official one, I made my own version of AK "sibling love" postcard collage...see it below the official limited edition love postcards!
Writer Tom Stoppard on love: “There is love, mother love, baby love, sibling love, carnal love, love of Russia, and so forth. The word ‘love’ is central to the book, and to our movie.” (via Anna Karenina Official Facebook page)
Jude Law, Aaron Taylor-Johnson, Kelly MacDonald, Alicia Vikander, Domhnal Gleeson, Olivia Williams, Emily Watson, and Michelle Dockery co-star.

Now playing in UK Cinemas
and opens in select US Theaters November 16th!

Check out the 8 new posters from AK below...

(source: Yahoo! Movies)

[UPDATED 10/9/12]

P&P Blog's own version of Anna Karenina "SIBLING LOVE" postcard (collage) 
 Also, someone got inspired by my tumblr post about this and made her own poster version of "sibling love" postcard here: Anna Karenina "Sibling Love" poster via Angelic37


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