New 'Anna Karenina' production stills of Matthew Macfadyen and Keira Knightley!

More new Anna Karenina production stills has been released today via IMDB and finally an official still from the movie...wait...not one, but two official stills of Matthew Macfadyen as Oblonsky (Anna's charming and philandering brother). It's about time! Thanks Focus Features! Also, another new still of Keira Knightley in the title role, in addition to the other new Keira Knightley 'Anna Karenina' still here! Also, a new on set/behind the scenes stills of Keira and director Joe Wright.
Joe Wright's Anna Karenina (starring former Pride & Prejudice stars Keira Knightley and Matthew Macfadyen). Jude Law, Aaron Taylor-Johnson, Kelly MacDonald, Alicia Vikander, Domhnal Gleeson, Olivia Williams, Emily Watson, and Michelle Dockery co-star. Opens in UK Cinemas and will be screening as Special Presentation at Toronto International Film Festival (TIFF) tomorrow (with Joe, Keira, Jude Law, and Aaron Taylor-Johnson confirmed to attend. No word if Matthew will attend, but we'll find out tomorrow if he will or not!), September 7th and opens in select US Theaters November 16th!

Check out the new Anna Karenina stills of Matthew, Keira, and Joe Wright below...

Anna Karenina production stills
featuring Matthew Macfadyen as Oblonsky
and Keira Knightley as Anna Karenina
 (source: – ©

Anna Karenina On Set/BTS featuring Keira Knightley and Joe Wright
 (source: – ©


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