P&P Blog's DVD Giveaway: Win a free Pride & Prejudice, Lost In Austen, and An Education DVDs! (contest closed!)

Updated 6/13/12: Unfortunately, no one (eligible) entered this (and the other two) DVD giveaways...I'm guessing everyone already owned their copies of these DVDs...and this giveaway has already expired...so ending all the giveaways, since no one here seemed interested in winning these DVDs. Oh, well...

As I've previously posted here, this blog just had its Blogoversary: Pride & Prejudice Blog turns 5! recently and as a thank you to you, my loyal blog readers and visitors...I thought I'd do a special DVD giveaways here for this special occasion and milestone for this blog's fifth anniversary online and for those of you who are interested in winning the following DVDs (you may or may not seen and own yet) to add to your DVD collection. You have 3 chances to win (at least one or all of them) here with these must-own DVDs! All you have to do is leave a comment here (with your name and valid email address) for all 3 (including for Lost in Austen DVD below...) or for one of the DVDs in the following links...

An Education DVD Giveaway - Enter to win 'An Education' DVD here!
Pride & Prejudice DVD Giveaway - Enter to win a P&P 2-disc DVD copy here!

Lost In Austen DVD Giveaway

Lost In Austen - starring Jemima Rooper, Elliot Cowan, and Gemma Arterton

Amanda (Jemima Rooper), an ardent Jane Austen fan, lives in present day London with her boyfriend Michael, until she finds she's swapped places with Austen's fictional creation Elizabeth Bennet (Gemma Arterton).

DVD Bonus Featurette
  • Lost In Austen: Behind The Scenes
  • A 43-minute featurette documenting the reinvention of Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice and the making of the popular TV series, with cast and crew interviews and behind the scenes footage
Enter for a chance to WIN one copy of Lost In Austen DVD by leaving a comment here by midnight on Sunday ET, June 10, 2012, stating (if you have previously seen this movie) why you love Lost in Austen and what your favorite scenes, characters, and quotes from this ITV Miniseries or (if you haven't seen LIA) comment here about what your favorite P&P (TV or film) adaptation. One lucky Winner will be drawn at random and announced sometime on Tuesday, June 12, 2012.

NOTE: All DVD giveaways are open to U.S. residents/entrants only. Good luck to all!


  1. That´s pitty taht this giveawy is only or U.S but never mind, good luck to every one. You have great site Pride and Prjudice.


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