In Theaters Today: Citizen Gangster

Now showing in limited release (and available to download today on iTunes) is Citizen Gangster (formerly titled Edwin Boyd, which I just noticed the title change after seeing the trailer just now, lol...) starring Scott Speedman (who recently co-starred with Rosamund Pike and Paul Giamatti in Barney's Version) and Kelly Reilly.

WWII vet Eddie Boyd is torn between providing for his young family and an unfulfilled dream of becoming a Hollywood star. He discovers a way to do both, but his dream leads him down a path of danger and tragedy.
Watch the Citizen Gangster trailer and see trailer screen captures, and an official still of Kelly (as Doreen Boyd) with Scott Speedman (as Edwin Boyd below)...

(source: )

Citizen Gangster Trailer Screen Captures featuring Kelly Reilly

Edwin Boyd Citizen Gangster still featuring Kelly Relly

(with Scott Speedman) as Doreen Boyd

Previous Related Edwin Boyd/Citizen Gangster Posts


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