Sneak Peek: New Images of Keira Knightley in Anna Karenina film

Just got my copy of the latest issue of People Magazine (February 27, 2012) with the late Whitney Houston on the cover. To my surprise, There was a full page of Keira Knightley in her title character Anna Karenina in their scoop section (page 28) where People magazine had a sneak peek of Keira as Anna with a few new images that include co-stars Jude Law as Karenin (Anna's husband) and Aaron Johnson as Vronsky (Anna's lover) with captions. I've scanned the AK section below. Unfortunately, no images of Matthew Macfadyen as Oblonsky (Anna's brother) yet. Hopefully, soon...I'll keep you all posted here as soon as his images from the film is released.

Joe Wright's Anna Karenina starring former  Pride & Prejudice stars Keira Knightley and Matthew Macfadyen along with Jude Law, Aaron Johnson, Olivia Williams, Kelly Macdonald, Emily Watson, and Downton Abbey's Michelle Dockery. The film is scheduled for a UK Cinema release on September 7th! Still no, U.S. theatrical release date yet, but hopefully, will find out soon as more news and info. on this film is released.

Check out Keira Knightley in new Anna Karenina People Magazine scan below...

By the way, in case you haven't noticed yet, I've created an Anna Karenina (2012) extra page here to compile all my blog posts (ie. latest news, articles, etc.) about this film all in one page. So, it'll be easier for you to find them, in case you missed a previous post related to this film here on the main page.


  1. But where are the pictures of our dear Matthew????? It's killing me!!

  2. Carrie - I know right? I've asked the same thing. Still no picture of MM from the movie, not even an on set or behind the scenes. I'd like to see an on set and bts images of our trio (KK, MM, and JW) from filming AK. Hopefully, they'll release those images soon. And of course, we're still waiting to hear for the US release date and first trailer...


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