Videos: Watch Keira Knightley on The View, The Rhode Show, and AOL promoting 'A Dangerous Method'

Keira Knightley appeared on ABC's The View this past Tuesday (Jan. 10th) morning to promote her latest film, A Dangerous Method (and had been doing some media interviews currently as well...see/read a few of them below) as its US theatrical release expands throughout this month in more theaters.

A Dangerous Method is currently playing in select theaters here in the US and opens nationwide January 22nd. In the UK Cinemas, it opens Feb. 10th!

See screen captures of her Appearance on “The View” – January 10 (via Sweet-Keira)

Watch Keira's The View appearance and interview here!
(FYI: You must watch 4 commercials before seeing Keira's segment, which was the 4th one...and unfortunately, only US residents can view the video...sorry, I'll try to find a video that's available to view to all...soon!)

36:54 | Aired on ABC 01/10/12
Actress Keira Knightley; a gluten-free recipe.

Related article:
It's a cold winter morning and Keira Knightley is sitting alone in the library of a central London hotel. She is close to the end of shooting her new film Anna Karenina, in which she stars opposite Aaron Johnson's Vronsky and Jude Law's Karenin. No, she confides, she hasn't shot the suicide sequence in the train station yet. That is a treat waiting in store for the final day of filming, just before Christmas.
Knightley is a disconcerting interviewee. She is very pretty in a sylph-like way. Still only 26, she is friendly, articulate and seemingly unguarded, but quickly makes it clear that there are certain no-go areas where interviewers are forbidden to tread. Miss Jean Brodie-like, she tells you primly that she does not want to discuss her beauty routine or her love life. She doesn't enjoy reading such tittle-tattle herself and insists that she doesn't "owe the public" details of who her boyfriend is. However, ask her anything related to her work and she will answer completely frankly. For the first few minutes of the interview, her arms are folded and her body language is defensive. Once she is in her stride, she relaxes.

It's clear that she'd much rather discuss Tolstoy than Milly Dowler. She's a big fan of War and Peace and used to love Anna Karenina, too, but is beginning to suspect that the Russian novelist had a hidden agenda when it came to his adulterous heroine. "I read the book when I was about 16 and absolutely loved it and thought it was so romantic," Knightley reflects on Anna Karenina. "But I then re-read it to do this [film]... it's interesting coming back to a book when you've read it as a younger person and then seeing it through very different eyes, because I never thought that Tolstoy hated her [Anna Karenina]. And you really think, 'My God, he hates her!'."
Back to what we are allowed to discuss: in playing Anna Karenina, she is following in the steps of two of cinema's greats – Greta Garbo and Vivien Leigh. Will she match up? Knightley parries the question, suggesting that the "beauty shots" are as much the responsibility of cinematographer Seamus McGarvey as they are dependent on her own looks. "He knows how to shoot me."
As for the rest, that (Knightley claims) is simply a matter of "a lot of lighting and a hell of a lot of make-up!".  Read full article here!
Also, Keira (via link) on the Rhode Show yesterday, check out the video below.

or Watch Keira talks role in new film, A Dangerous Method here! 

Plus AOL did a short interview with KK below...

Keira Knightley on Playing Sabina Spielrein

More KK Interviews...  
Keira Knightley On Corsets, Smiles And Hysteria In 'A Dangerous Method' 
(via Huffington Post)

 Did you do a lot of research for the role?
I did about four months of reading just about as much as I could. I worked with [screenwriter] Christopher Hampton before -- he wrote the screenplay for "Atonement" -- so as soon as I knew I was going to do the film, I phoned him up and said, "Help!"
He basically handed me a pile of books and said, "Start reading."
You've been filming "Anna Karenina." Have you ever met a corset you didn't like?
(Laughs) Actually I'm not in a corset in that one, fortunately. I think Anna Karenina is one of the classic female roles; you can't exactly turn it down.
But you do tend to do a lot of costume dramas.
I think it's because I tend to like working in Europe and England, not for any other reason than it's close to my home ... The opportunity to play a character like Sabina Spielrein -- I'm not going to turn it down because it's a costume piece. I imagine it's a multitude of factors that have kept me in a corset.
One last thing: Could you have a more gorgeous smile?
Wow! Thanks, I've been told I have a horrible smile. I had a fashion photographer tell me once, "Remember never smile, it doesn't look good on you." It was when I was about 16. Every time I have my picture taken I think, "Oh God, I'm not going to smile. It looks horrendous." So thank you very much.
In addition, Keira just did an interview with Pop Sugar. Highlights from her interview...

Keira Knightley Interview on Michael Fassbender, Jude Law
On similarities between Jude and Michael: "No! No. Jude's a proper actor — he's wonderful to work with. He's a proper actor, I mean they all are . . . Michael works in a much more muscular way. Everything turns into muscle memory. He works a script, and works a script. Jude does a lot of theater so he comes from the preparation side — like a rehearsal room. He's really open to it, and he asks a lot of questions on that day. He's just phenomenal. So no there aren't any similarities, but they're all very good actors."
On bring surprised by the amount of press the DM spanking scene received:
"This time in New York, people aren't really talking about it. They are a little bit, but not as much as I thought that they would be. It goes to show how well the film's been received and how fascinating the subject matter is. That is an interesting part of it, and I was interested by it because I didn't understand why people would want to do that or what the vibe is and what she was getting out of it — the fact that the subject itself is so fascinating. What's more shocking about the character is what's going on in her head rather than the spanking scene."
On cracking up while working with Steve Carell:
""He's just lovely. He's such a lovely man. I was quite frightened, because I haven't done comedy before really. I was kind of going, 'It's terrifying, I don't know how to do it, I don't even want to do it!' He was such a sweetheart."
On finishing up Anna Karenina:
"I wrapped before Christmas. They've got, I think five more days to go. They're going to Russia for five days. Yeah, it's pretty much in the bag."
On working with Joe Wright for the first time:
"We do have a shorthand, but it doesn't get easier. Neither of us are people that are looking for the easy option. We're always looking for something that's going to be more difficult or more challenging. Taking on Anna Karenina is a certainly massive challenge. Partly because it's an 820-page book and you're trying to get it down to, well, a 130-page screenplay."


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