Movie Casting News: Tom Hollander joins Jonny Lee Miller, Gemma Arterton, and Saoirse Ronan in ''Byzantium' film

According to ColliderTom Hollander (Hanna), Jonny Lee Miller (Dexter), and Sam Riley (Control) have joined Saoirse Ronan (Hanna) and Gemma Arterton (Prince of Persia) in Neil Jordan (Interview with the Vampire)‘s vampire movie Byzantium.
Ronan and Arterton play a daughter and mother who are vampires who arrive in a small 18th century British town.  Ronan’s character begins a relationship with a young man (Caleb Landry Jones) who’s dying of leukemia, which in turn forces him to struggle with his mortality and her to question her immortality.
Daily Mail (who first reported this with the Gemma Arterton interview/article) doesn’t have any details on which character Tom will play, but has mentioned him in the cast:

The film — set in both the 18th century and the modern day — is not all glossy surface nonsense like the Twilight pictures. For starters, it has a compelling storyline and much better actors, including Sam Riley, Daniel Mays, Jonny Lee Miller and Tom Hollander.
Read more: Gemma's coming out biting... as she gets her teeth into new vampire film role
Great to know that TH has a new film (other than his current TV series, Rev.) coming soon. Also, he's co-starring here with two other Austen Actors, Gemma Arterton (Lost in Austen; St. Trinians I and II films with Talulah Riley and Colin Firth, and The Little Dog Laughed stage play with Rupert Friend), and Johnny Lee Miller (Mansfield Park '99, Emma '09) and one of the fequent co-stars of P&P 05 Actors, Saoirse Ronan (Atonement, Hanna).


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