Just For Fun: More of my Pride & Prejudice Manip Arts (Part 2)

A little slow on P&P Actors News today, so I thought I'd keep you all entertain with posting more of my amateurish attempt on P&P fan manip arts...since I'm still in the mood for it, lol. I must say, Lady Catherine's advice had been beneficial (probably the only advice I'll ever follow from her, haha!) and I'm improving with it as I go along...still learning and practicing though. I've had a lot of fun doing these newer ones.

Check them out and let me know what you think. Feedback is very much appreciated, of course. So, feel free to leave your comment. Take a look at them below and enjoy!


 Little Dorrit/P&P Crossover: Arthur Clennam & Elizabeth Bennet?
(Watch out Mr. Darcy!)

 Inspired by Keira's upcoming Syfy miniseries  
(see the original image of this here) comes Darcyland...lol!


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