Film Review: Hanna

Check out and read part of my review of this film below!
Hanna (2011)
starring Saoirse Ronan, Eric Bana, Cate Blanchett, Tom Hollander
Watch the trailer for Hanna
Hanna (Ronan) is a teenage girl. Uniquely, she has the strength, the stamina, and the smarts of a soldier; these come from being raised by her father (Bana), an ex-CIA man, in the wilds of Finland. Living a life unlike any other teenager, her upbringing and training have been one and the same, all geared to making her the perfect assassin. (brief Hanna synopsis by Focus Features via IMDB)Now, this was a brilliant, clever, entertaining, full of action, adventure, mystery, that has you on the edge-of-your-seat, suspense thriller, with humor film all in one, that I've seen in a long time. It was like a mixture of Leon: The Professional (featuring the young Natalie Portman) and the Bourne movies (starring Matt Damon) with a fairytale theme (ie. Little Red Riding Hood, but more like Hansel and Gretel, which I think if I remember right, was one of the bedtime stories by the Grimm Brothers that young Hanna was read to by her father Erik) to it. This is one of the films I loved and enjoyed watching this year...thus far. The story was great, brilliant, and cleverly written. Director Joe Wright did a fantastic job directing this film. The original score throughout the film composed by The Chemical Brothers were quite interesting, haunting, hypnotic, and addictive to listen to. It's very catchy and stays in your head even after the movie ended. Read my full Film Review: Hanna. (via my Movies Blog)
Speaking of Hanna movie, I've just won a Hanna signed poster!!!! Yes, I did and unexpectedly too!
Here are some photos I took (and thought I'd share here with you all) for the Hanna poster I've just won (one of the 5 signed posters by Saoirse Ronan) from Focus Features (via its official twitter page), which I had enjoyed and randomly participated in their #Hanna signed poster contest prior to seeing the movie. I just received my prize over the mail Thursday and it was huge! It's a double-sided (or rather the back is like a mirror-image of the front) poster and was nicely packaged, so it was in good condition when I got it. The interesting thing was that not only it was signed by Saoirse Ronan, but by her co-star Eric Bana (which was a nice surprise as it was only Ronan that was said to have signed the posters in the contest) too! Wow, what a double treat!!
My Hanna signed poster
(signed by Hanna stars: Saoirse Ronan and Eric Bana!!
(signed by Hanna stars: Saoirse Ronan and Eric Bana!!
Thanks to @FocusFeatures!)
Plus, here are two cool Hanna web promo posters I've downloaded from the official Hanna website that was part of the Hanna signed poster contest I've won above especially when I got the clue and the right answer to the trivia games, I got the following...
Hanna web posters
(source: the official Hanna website)
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