Watch Claudie Blakley in "Lark Rise to Candleford" series (Seasons 1-3)

What's very interesting and unexpected was that this series stars our very own P&P 05's Claudie Blakley (Charlotte Lucas), who plays Emma Timmins and P&P '95's Julia Sawalha (Lydia Bennet), who plays Dorcas Lane (interestingly, she's so much better in this role than she was in P&P 95's Lydia least for me. I like her in this role a lot) for three seasons! Get this, their characters are cousins too! Not too mention, Claudie Blakley (she's very good here....lovin' her character) plays a wife and mother with about 5-6 children! Her eldest daughter Laura Timmins, the lead character and narrator is played by Olivia Hallinan. Also, familiar actors I've seen in North & South, Mansfield Park, and Emma were in this series too. Great casting!!!
The best thing of all, is that I don't have to look or buy the season DVDs (I know I should, but they're expensive and hard to 'cause they are available to view for free on YouTube! Yes, you read it right...all episodes from Seasons 1-3 can be viewed on YT! I was only looking for a trailer to include in this post as I write about this here, but I found two YT channels that showed the entire series...and I just started watching Season 1. So far, I'm only on Ep 8 part 1. I have a long way to go to catch up to Season 3, lol...but thank goodness, they are all available to view whenever I want to watch the next episodes (hopefully, YT won't remove them...they better not! I intend to watch them all...) They are pretty good so far, lovin' the Laura/Phillip pairing (thus far...they're so cute and adorable together)...and I'm hooked on watching this series, haha...! I have the links bookmarked as well as included here to share with you all who may be interested in watching this...and to easily find the two YT channels to view this series.
But first, check out the synopsis, episode listing, and a few promo/episode stills featuring Claudie Blakley and Julia Sawalha below...
Brief Synopsis
An adaptation of Flora Thompson's autobiographical novel "Lark Rise To Candleford", set in 19 century Oxfordshire, in which a young girl moves to the local market town to begin an apprenticeship as a postmistress.
[source: BBC1]
Watch Season 1 Episode 1 below...
Watch Season 1 Episode 1 below...
[source: xlarkrisecandlefordx]
Also, this Youtube channel: has the complete Seasons 2 and 3 all uploaded on YouTube, for all of us who do not live in the UK and don't have BBC1 channel to see these series. How AWESOME is that?!?! So, yeah, check them out and see if you like this series. I know I already do. :)
Watch the complete YT videos of...
Enjoy! :) If you have seen this series though or even just started like I do... what do you think? Feel free to post your thoughts about this series. I'd love to know what you think of LRtoC.
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