New Layout

You may have noticed the new slight changes to this blog upon visiting here today. I've just updated it with a new designer layout: Picture Window template by Josh Peterson. Powered by Blogger... I kept the same header banner (as I love what has been up there for over 2 years now and besides I'm not good with making banners, so that's another reason I didn't change it...unless someone can make a new one for this blog I'll be glad to use it, lol). I added removed the a different menu links (below the main header banner) least temporarily, for now. I'll have it back up as soon as I have a new code to replaced the old one that fits the new layout's width. Also, I moved the sidebar contents from the right and now it's to your left (in case, you didn't noticed it...I may move it back to the right or play around with two side bars...we shall see, lol). Still working on this blog's other contents, so you may or may not notice some weird changes around here this weekend, but just so you know... this is a work in progress...

Take a look at a screen cap (one last time) of the past layout...

What do you think of the new look/layout? Love it? Hate it? Feel free to post your thoughts/opinions in the comments section here. Any feedback from any of you (regular readers, blogger friends, and visitors) is appreciated. Thanks for visiting and taking the time to read here. Hope you have enjoyed reading all the P&P actors' news/articles and other P&P related news, articles, and interviews previously posted here. Thanks again. Have fun browsing and enjoy reading! :)


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