P&P Blog Weekly Poll

New Poll is now up!

The current poll (#61) is now up (scroll down at the bottom) right side bar under Weekly Poll.

What do you think of the casting of Maia Petee as the next Elizabeth Bennet in the new modern adaptation of Pride and Prejudice (2010)?

Many thanks to all of you who voted in the last poll
. Below is the result from last week's poll...

What do you think of the casting of Caleb Grusing as the next Mr. Darcy in the new modern adaptation of Pride and Prejudice (2010)?
Great choice and he's easy on the eyes too. Can't wait to see him play Mr. Darcy already!
  7 (36%)
He's handsome and looks the part. I'll be interested in seeing him as Mr. Darcy in this film.
  2 (10%)
I prefer Colin Firth. He's the ultimate Darcy!
  3 (15%)
I prefer Matthew Macfadyen. He was and will always be Darcy in my eyes!
  2 (10%)
I'll wait to see the movie to decide on this one.
  5 (26%)

Total Votes: 19

All previous Weekly Polls are archived here.


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