Movie News: Keira Knightley beats Scarlett Johansson to be My Fair Lady + Joe Wright to direct it!

The Telegraph has announced today that Keira Knightley has won the part of Eliza Doolittle in the film remake of My Fair Lady! She has beat out competition from Scarlett Johansson (though Keira has been the front runner all along) and  Joe Wright (who directed Keira in both Oscar nominated films Pride & Prejudice and Atonement...with P&P, Keira was nominated for an Academy Award for Best Actress in a leading role in 2006) is also said to be directing this film. This will be the third time the pair will work together in a film! Also, they previously worked together in 2 commercials: Chanel's Coco Mademoiselle ad and a domestic violence advertisement for women’s aid.

By George she's got it! Keira Knightley beats Scarlett Johansson to be My Fair Lady!

Mandrake hears that the 24-year-old actress has beaten Scarlett Johansson to the part of Eliza Doolittle in a new film adaptation of My Fair Lady.

Her victory comes as I can disclose that Joe Wright, who inspired Knightley to her best performance, in Pride and Prejudice, has been chosen to direct the film.

"Joe and Keira are looking forward to working together again immensely," says a friend of the 37-year-old director. 

Read full article here!

Keira was asked about MFL in her Movie Fone Interview last March and she answered it below...
Will you be taking your voice out for another spin in the musical remake of 'My Fair Lady'?

Hopefully -- fingers crossed. I auditioned for it about two years ago, and I think it's been a matter of trying to assemble the correct team to do it that is going to make as interesting a movie and as good a movie as possible. There are good whispers going around, you know, and hopefully they'll come to fruition.

Wow, if this is confirmed and official...Congrats to Keira and yay for Joe Wright directing!!! I'd love to see Keira and JW's take on My Fair Lady. They did magic together in P&P (as well as Atonement) I'd love to see their take on this classic film (one of my favorite musical films). I personally love Audrey Hepburn's version, but I'm open minded to a new version with Keira (she did amazing on P&P), I look forward to her version and see how she'll do this.

What do you all think of Keira doing My Fair Lady remake and Joe Wright directing her (again) in this film?

Yay or Nay? Post your thoughts and comments here.

EDIT #2 (10/27/09)

This is not official and confirmed yet though.
Neither Keira Knightley, Joe Wright nor the producers (Sir Cameron Mackintosh, who is producing this film with Duncan Kenworthy) has confirmed their involvement for this film... at least not yet. When it is confirmed or not (hopefully, confirmed...we'll see...), I'll keep you all updated for more news of this as soon as it's available.


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