Jane Austen, Pride and Prejudice...and Vampires?

First I heard and even posted here (last March) about a Pride and Prejudice and Zombies novel (not too mention, A Pride and Prejudice comic book?), now there are P&P related books about Jane Austen, Pride & Prejudice...and Vampires?

As Austen Prose blog stated:

The world has truly gone vampire crazy! Blame it on the Stephenie Meyer's Twilight series which made hearts and flowers all over a genre which had traditionally been more bloody and less appealing to tweenage girls, and *ahem* ladies. Her aloof and pensive vegetarian vampire Edward Cullen may make hearts swoon by the thousands, but Jane Austen’s Mr. Darcy has been doing the broody heartthrob thing long before Edward became an immortal, and he didn’t have to suck any blood to do it!

Read more about Austen and Vampires at Austen Prose.

As for the P&P/Jane Austen Vampire books...

Mr. Darcy, Vampyre (August 11th), Darcy’s Hunger (December 1st), and The Immortal Jane Austen (Summer 2010) to name a few of Jane Austen/P&P vampire genre related books to be released this year and next year (2010).

You can preorder the book for August 11th delivery and visit Amanda Grange’s blog – Mr. Darcy, Vampyre – to read all the latest news on this exciting new novel.

And Darcy’s Hunger will be published by Ulysses Press and is available for pre-order in advance of its December 1st, 2009 release date.


  1. Since Twilight, I've been in a vampire mood. Just recently I've started watching the HBO series True Blood.
    I for one, am really excited over these books. Now I can mix my new interest, vampires, with my old interest, P&P. Yeah!


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