Jena Malone's movie Five Star Day trailer and official website

In Five Star Day P&P's Jena Malone plays Sarah Reynolds (see an image still of Jena's character here), a single mother. Jena co-stars with Twilight's baddie Cam Gigandet.

Read the film's description below:

Story: Jake Gibson (Cam Gigandet), a mid twenties college student who sets out to disprove the theory of Astrology. Along the way he learns important lessons about life, love and the difference between ones fate and their destiny.

No theatrical release date yet, but you can now watch the trailer for Five Star Day below...

[source: fivestardaymovie]

For more info. on this film, check out the official website: Five Star Day.

Previous Related Post:

Other upcoming JM film projects:

  1. Sucker Punch (2011) (pre-production) .... Rocket
  2. The Messenger (2009/I) .... Kelly


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