Winner of Sharon Lathan's novel!

I am very sad to say that the original winner never contacted me. It has been 5 days and per my rules I need to pick someone else. I am very sorry Dava! I do hope you purchase the novel as I loved your enthusiasm. I would still love to hear from you!

So, the names were again placed into the basket and picked at random. The new winner is Terry Spear!

Terry happens to be a good friend and fellow Sourcebooks author who has been searching high and low for my book but always discovering the shelves empty. It is a pleasure to be able to send her a copy. Terry writes romantic shapeshifting wolf stories, if that sounds interesting to anyone. They are very good. Here is her webpage: Terry Spear

Again thanks to everyone who participated. It was tremendous fun!


I am so excited to be able to announce the winner of a signed copy of Mr. and Mrs. Fitzwilliam Darcy ~ Two Shall Become One. I had a marvelous time being interviewed by Jeane and then sharing my long-winded answers with all of you. Apparently no one minded the length as the response was terrific! I had so many names to chose from, but my handsome assistant (My gorgeous, manly 6"3' son - what a perfect height!) only chose one.

Congratulations Dava Eaton!!!

All I need is for you to contact me with your mailing address. Click over to The Darcy Saga where you will find my email link under the right-hand section The Accessories. Drop me a note with your snail-mail address and I will send my gorgeous book ASAP!

Thank you to everyone who took the time to comment. I appreciate the support more than you will ever know. And another round of applause for Jeane who is the dearest friend and an amazing, tireless advocate for this stunning movie.


  1. Congratulations Dava Eaton!!! :)

    Thanks again to everyone who visited, read, and commented in this blog and Sharon's 3-parts interview. You are all awesome and I appreciate it very much. :)

    Hopefully, we'll do something like this again sometime the near future.

    Sharon - You're very welcome and thanks for doing this here. I can't thank you enough. I wish you continued luck and many more successes ahead of you. God Bless and Take care! :) Talk to you soon! ;)

  2. Sorry to hear that Dava hasn't contacted you, Sharon. :(

    Congrats to the new winner: Terry Spear! :)


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